A formal meeting for discussion of the cadre review proposal was held on 27.12.2010. There was no concrete decision arrived in the meeting but there was more progress. The following are only the gist of proposals.
1. Postman: - The present establishment inexistence in this cadre is as follows
Basic – Postmen : - 46381
Mail overseers : 2955
Cash overseers : 739
Head Postmen : 594
Sorting Postmen : 2456
Overseer Postman : 424
7168 - 7168 (Around 16%)
BCR - 3195
At present, there is no supervisory cadre in existence for Postman. Earlier Mail overseers, Sorting Postmen etc were called as LSG and there after it lost significance after introducing TBOP/BCR promotions.
It is proposed by the staff side to provide three promotional layers to this cadre by keeping 70% in basic, 15% in the first, 10% in the second and 5% in the third promotions. It is suggested that out of four postmen, one of the post may be identified to supervise the other three postmen in ensuring 100% articles taking for delivery and remarks in the return apart from his delivery work. Similarly the postman entrusted with Data work for preparing delivery slip, taking returns etc may be provided to the status of next promotion layer and similarly the existing Mail overseers etc may be brought to the third promotional layer.
Since the cadre review pertains only to improve the promotional posts and not to review the pay scales, the pay band may be decided like 2000, 2400, 2800 & 4200 for basic, I, II & III Grades retrospectively.
2. Multi Skilled Staff (Group D)
There is 37757 Multi skilled staff in existence in the Department out of which 17700 in Postal and 14000 in RMS and the remaining are working in administrative offices.
Since the MTS are not getting any II & III MACP promotions and even some are not getting MACP I also, special attention is required. It is suggested to form three layers of Promotion like basis 70, 1st 15, 2nd 10 & third 5% of posts. It is suggested that the MTS assisting Treasury & Sub Accounts may be identified as higher posts. Similarly van attendant, Jamedar in RM and Record Keeper, Chowkidar etc may be identified as higher posts for providing promotions. Since MTS (Group ‘D’) is a common cadre for all Central Government employees, the identification of area and responsibility becomes a must for consideration of care review proposals.
3. Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant
Basic cadre - 83696
LSG - 6989
HSG II - 1703
HSG I - 1649
Out of which
Postmaster Gr. I - 2097
Postmaster Gr. II - 511
Postmaster Gr. III - 495
Senior PM - 116
As on date, the total number of supervisory posts works out only 12.35% it is suggested that all the single handed & double handed post offices may be identified as LSG Posts (Single handed offices 11395 & Double handed offices 6719). Since the elevation of pay band with Grade pay Rs. 4200/- is not immediately possible to LSG since it has long process and left the decision with nodal ministries, the present LSG posts 6989 posts may be merged with HSG II cadre. (For example 2899 LSG offices plus 3732 Triple handed post offices & plus other LSG Posts). Similarly the present HSG II & HSG I posts shall be amalgamated. There will be no change of Grade pay in any cadre since it will not come under the jurisdiction of cadre review.
It is suggested that the nomenclature of existing LSG, HSG-II & HSG-I shall be revised as Supervisor/Manager, Senior Manager/ Supervisor, Chief Manager/Supervisor respectively. It is further suggested to convert the HSG-I as Gazetted as if equal to the present status of Asst. Supdt. of POs.
Whatever be the increase in the number of Supervisory post, it will have simultaneous reflection in the Post master’s cadre also.
PO & RMS Accountant, System Administrators Marketing Executive & others
After identifying the number of Grade I, I & III posts from the Postal Assistants, separate cadre for PO & RMS Accountants, Systems Assistants, Marketing Executive will be carved out from the promotional posts and declare the posts as promotional posts to Postal Assistants.
(i) The PO & RMS Accounts qualified officials will be placed in Rs. 2800/- grade pay and on qualifying they may be engaged in accounts branch. A separate promotional avenue can be carved out for APM Accounts from the existing LSG, HSG II & HSG I Posts.
(ii) Marketing Executive will be placed in Rs.2800/- Grade pay and a separate cadre will be explored in higher promotional posts.
(iii) System Administrators will also be carved out similarly to this. However, it is suggested that in respect of System Administrators, they may be placed in the Grade pay of Rs. 4200/- as if available in other Governmental organization. PMAs will be brought under the category of System Assistant.
(iv) Similarly there are 300 DOPLI and they may be placed in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-
In respect of RMS, What is the proportion maintained in Postal Assistant cadre in higher posts in the postal, that will be maintained.
Circle office staff
In respect of circle office there are 2400 officials working and at present there is only one promotion of section supervisor with Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/- available.
It is proposed to form II layer of promotion as deputy office superintendent with Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- and elevate the office superintendent with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- Similarly another layer of Director with grade pay of Rs,4800 may be formed. The Percentage proposed is 50 + 20 + 15+ 10 + 5. There are 59 regional offices in which, it is suggested to upgrade the office supervisors. Similarly all PLI section officers may be elevated to the status of office superintendent.
SBCO staff
Total staff is 4100. There is no HSG II at present. It is suggested to provide four layers of promotions with the ratio of 50:20:20; 5: 5. The SBCO in charge of All Gazetted HPOs (116) may be converted to HSG I. There are 442 divisions and all the in charge of such divisional head quarters may be considered for HSG II. It is further suggested that the in charge of SBCO having up to 50,000 entries may be converted to LSG, above 50,000 up to 100000 may be to HSG II and above 1 lakh, it will be HSG I, Similarly all working in (PWCs/ICOs shall be placed in promotional posts.
Matching Savings
Official side proposed to accept closure/ merger of 3000 single handed post offices/ RMS offices as matching savings in urban areas which will be decided on the following grounds:
i. Offices having less than five hours work load (excluding sub accounts work)
ii. Post offices situated within 2.5 kilometers.
iii. The personnel relieved due to the closure/merger will be accommodated in the single/ double handed offices where work load justify for further augmentation.
The staff side seeks time to discuss on matching savings among them and to form a joint proposal on all the above discussed items.
Please note that the above proposals are not accepted totally and it were in the discussion stages only. A broad consensus and discussions are required to improve many of the items mentioned above. Staff side will sit shortly and discuss the above and submit its proposal shortly. The next formal meeting will be held on 22.1.2011 at 11 hours to finalize the proposal.
All are requested to offer their comments on this to have further study and improvement of our proposals.
(K. V. Sridharan)
Leader, Staff side
1 comment:
sir matching savings as proposed can be accepted, if our proposals are agreed
Bhaskara Rao Vijayawada dn APUGSIT
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