CHQ Seeks improvement in Postmaster's cadre
Ref: - P/4-1/Postmaster’s Cadre Dated – 09.12.2010
Ms. Radhika Doraisamy
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan New Delhi – 110001
Sub: - Creation of Post master’s cadre – problem there on in the initial constitution – request consideration.
At the outset, we wish to place on record that we are not against to the introduction of Postmaster’s cadre but seek certain modifications in the interest of staff and service. The following are the few which require your immediate kind attention.
1. At present more than 60% of LSG posts 70% of HSG II posts & HSG I posts in all circles remain unfilled up. As such seeking options from the existing LSG for Post master’s cadre will end with futile results. To off shoot the problems, the following is suggested.
(i) Please cause instructions to fill up all vacant LSG, HSG-II & HSG-I posts either permanently or on adhoc basis and thereafter willingness may be called for among the LSG, HSG-II & HSG-I officials.
(ii) In case if the same is not possible due to recruitment rules, minimum service etc, the officials in MACP I, II & III may be considered in the initial constitution of the Postmaster cadre.
(iii) It may be ensured that at the initial constitution of Postmaster’s cadre, 100% of posts should be filled up among the existing willing officials either on seniority in LSG or MACP or length of PA service. Thereafter, the element of examination may be introduced.
2. All the LSG officials working in Accounts line may be permitted to opt for Postmaster’s cadre since they are entitled to work as Postmaster in HSG-II & HSG-I as per the existing recruitment rules.
3. In the initial constitution of various grades of Postmaster while obtaining option from the existing officials, the requisite minimum service should not be insisted since in many cases the promotions to HSG-II & HSG-I were not accorded in time properly. To cite an example, the adhoc HSG-I is continuing over three years by granting extension once in six months.
4. Similarly, 25% earmarked for HSG-I in Postmaster Group B shall be filled up with the existing HSG I officials without insisting the minimum required service in the initial constitution of the cadre.
5. It is further requested to cause instructions that the opted officials shall be given preference in posting in the same division in case of identified posts are available in the division to avert maximum dislocation in the initial constitution.
Apart from the above, the following improvements may please be considered.
(i) Since the Postmaster Grade-I is supervisory post, it should be elevated to Pay Band II with Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- Similar elevation is required in higher cadre also.
(ii) Since a separate cadre is carved out, 100% of the Senior Postmasters, and Chief Postmasters posts shall also be filled up only among officials in the Postmaster’s cadre only. There is no need for any reservation to other categories other than the Postmaster cadre.
It is requested to arrange a meeting at the earliest with Staff Side to discuss all the points stated above in order to ensure smooth implementation of the scheme, minimize dislocation of staff and more volunteers to the newly carved cadre etc. Unless the above issues are sorted out at the initial constitution, it will have a perennial loss to the employees which will result in resentment only.
It is requested to consider the above and cause appropriate orders at the earliest.
With profound regards,
Yours sincerely,
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
1 comment:
very good analysis, pl see this is done with out fail
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