v The revised Recruitment Rules for Postmen will also be released within two days. Instructions will be issued to all circle heads to fill up all the vacancies of Postmen/Group ‘D’ up to 31.12.2010 within a time frame.
v Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General NFPE, K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary and Com. Iswar Singh Dabas General Secretary, P4 met Sri. P. K. Gopinath, Member (P), Postal Services Board on 21.01.2011 and discussed the following issues:
(a) (a) Extension of time limit for submitting option for Postmasters cadre. We have requested that instructions may be issued to all Chief PMGs to fill up all norm based LSG, HSG II and HSG –I posts on regular basis holding DPCs and option may be finalized only after giving opportunity to all those promoted to LSG, HSG II and HSG –I thus.
(b) (b) MACP clarification as per West Bengal Chief PMG’s letter.
(c) (c) Charge sheets, Break-in-service (FR 17-A) orders issued by Mumbai West Division, Satara Division and Pune RMS Division in connection with 2010 September 7th Strike.
(d) (d) Revision of wages of casual labourers and Part-time contingent employees and indiscriminate outsourcing of their work. Clarificaiton on their engagnement
(e) (e) Removing the hurdles in commencing Local training classes for newly recruited PA/SAs with particular reference to Tamilnadu Circle.
(f) Discontinuing double delivery system in metros especially in Tamilnadu.
Member (P) assured necessary intervention.
He informed that police verification is a must before sending candidates for PA/SA training. No deviation from the Government instructions can be made by the Postal Board in this regard.
Postmen Committee
v Postmen Committee met on 21.01.2011 at Dak Bhawan under the Chairmanship of DDG (MB). Com. M. Krishanan, Secretary General NFPE, Com. Iswar Singh Dabas, General Secretary P-4, Com. K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary, P3 represented NFPE in the meeting. Issues relating to Data entry work, Fixing minimum and maximum distance to be traversed by Postmen, filling up of all vacant posts of Postmen upto 2010 (inclusive of residual vacancies) were discussed in detail. DDG agreed that the Department will examine all the points raised by the Staff side and will come up with a final proposal in the next meeting. Next sitting will be held in March 2011.
Cadre Review
v A meeting related to cadre restructuring is scheduled to be held tomorrow (22.01.2011) at 11.00 hours. Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE alongwith Com. K. V. Sridharan and Com. Giriraj Singh members of the Committee will represent NFPE in the meeting. Details will be published after the meeting.
Let us meet in the next
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