PF. No. 01(e)/02/2011 Dated: 21th January, 2011
All General Secretaries, CHQ Office Bearers
Circle Secretaries of all affiliated Unions
Dear Comrades,
Federal Secretariat Meeting of NFPE was held at New Flat of P-IV Union, No. 306, Vindhyachal Apartment Kaushambi, Ghaziabad on 20.01.2011.
The flat was inaugurated by Com. M. Krishnan , Secretary General and ceremony of Grah Pravesh was also organized by Com.I.S.Dabas , General Secretary P-IV union with traditional customs .On this occasion Comrades K.V. Sridharan, G/S P-3, Giri Raj Singh, G/S R-3 , P.Suresh G/S R-4 , R.N. Parashar, ASG NFPE ,Virendra Tiwari Dy. G/S, SBCO Association, Balwinder Singh, Treasurer P-3 , Mahabir Singh Treasurer P-4 , Raj Kumar , Treasurer ,NFPE , K K Sharma , V/P NFPE and Circle President R-4 Delhi Circle, Harender Singh ,Circle Secretary , R-4 , Delhi Circle , Jagdish Prasad, Treasurer R-3(CHQ) and many other Comrades of NFPE Unions of Delhi Circle were present.
The Flat was named as "Com. K. Adinarayana Bhawan" in memory of our great lamented leader Com. Adi. Similarly R-3 Union has also agreed to name their Flat at Shivalik Appartment, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad also as "Com.N.J. Iyer Bhawan" .
Federal Secretariat meeting was presided by Com.K.K. Sharma, Vice President, NFPE. All General Secretaries and Office Bearers present at Delhi participated in the meeting .The following decisions were taken:
1(a) All India Study Camp at Thekkedy (Kerala) on 13th, 14th 15th February, 2011.It was decided that All India Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries of affiliated unions shall participate in the camp.
Hon`ble M.P .Shri P. Rajiv , Parliamentary Standing Committee ,Member ,Ministry of Communications & IT will inaugurate the Camp. Member (P) Postal Services Board Shri P.K. Gopinath and CPMG Kerala Ms. Shoba Koshi have given their consent to grace the occasion by attending the Seminar on the subject " Future of India Post- Challenges & opportunities " .
Subject wise classes will be taken by the senior leaders as follows:
(1) History of Postal Trade Union Movement and present day task.
Com. M. Krishnan , Secretary General NFPE.
(2) Service matters: Com. K.V. Sridharan, G/S P-3.
(3) Central Government Employees Issues : Com. K.K.N. Kutty , Secretary General , Confederation .
(4) Working Class Issues: Com.C.C. Pillai, Ex. S/G NFPE.
(5) Policy Offensives in Department of Posts: Com.K. Ragavendran, Ex. S/G/NFPE.
(6) Disciplinary matters: Shri M.C. Nair , Retired SSPOs ,Kerala.
On 15th February sight seeing trip has been arranged by the Reception Committee.
1(b) 23rd February, 2011 Parliament March: It was decided that the neighbouring Circles and Divisions of NFPE should be mobilized to take part in large number and quota of participants was fixed as under:
" UP Circle -1000, Delhi Circle -1000, Haryana Circle -200,Punjab-100, Rajasthan-200, MP-200, Chhattisgarh -100, Bihar-100, Jharkhand -100 and remaining Circle 2000"
Stay arrangements will be made at RMS Rest House , Ambala Co-operative Society Hall at Delhi GPO Complex, Tarapada Bhawan Shalimarbagh, R-3 Flat 17/4C,Kalibari , P-4 CHQ 17/3 D Kalibari , D-2 Telegraphs Place Gole Market (R-3 CHQ) , NFPE CHQ North Avenue Post Office Building, P-3 CHQ , Patel Nagar (Dada Ghosh Bhawan), Administrative Union CHQ at Kalibari.
1(c) Cadre Restructuring Committee Meeting : will be held at Postal Directorate on 22.01.2011. Large scale closure of Post Offices and RMS Offices will not be accepted in lieu of matching saving.
1(d) All India Women Convention at Kolkata : More than 40 Women delegates from NFPE will attend the convention (other than West Bengal) at Kolkata on 07th & 08th February, 2011 as per quota allotted by Confederation.
1(e) Casual Labourers Issues: The Federal Secretariat viewed with grave concern the inordinate delay in revising the wages of casual labourers w.e.f.1.1.2006 and also the indiscriminate outsouring of their work . It is deiced to organize the following programme of action to achieve the long pending demands of Casual Labourers.
10.02.2011 Call attention day: Demonstration in front of all offices.
03.03.2011 Dharna : in front of all CPMG's Offices
All Circle Secretaries of NFPE Union are requested to help the Casual labourers for successful implementation of above programme.
Dharna should be organized under the Banner of NFPE and Casual Labourers Union if any formed in the Circle.
1(f) Formation of Circle Level Coordination Committee and holding of Circle Level Convention: As per decision of Federal Executive First Convention of UP Circle is being held at Lucknow on 16th &17th March , 2011 in which Circle Coordination Committee will be formed .Circle Secretaries of all NFPE Unions are requested to intimate possible date of Circle Level Convention in their respective Circles . Circle Conventions are to be completed before 30th April 2011.
Central Working Committee Meeting of R-III Union: CWC of R-III Union is going to be held at Hajipur (Vaishali, Bihar) on 13th and 14th March 2011. Secretary General NFPE will attend the meeting.
Central Working Committee Meeting of P-IV Union: CWC of P-IV Union is going to be held at Rourkela (Orissa) on 27th and 28th March, 2011. Secretary General will attend the meeting.
Revised Recruitment Rules for M.T.S (Group D) is expected to be released with in two days. Orders will be exhibited in the website.
Revised Recruitment Rules for Postmen will also be released shortly. Instructions will be issued to all circle heads to fill up all the vacancies of Postmen/Group 'D' up to 31.12.2010 within a time frame.
Meeting with Member (P):
Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General NFPE, K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary and Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas General Secretary, P4 met Sri. P. K. Gopinath, Member (P), Postal Services Board on 21.01.2011 and discussed the following issues:
(a) Extension of time limit for submitting option for Postmasters cadre. We have requested that instructions may be issued to all Chief PMGs to fill up all norm based LSG, HSG II and HSG –I posts on regular basis holding DPCs and option may be finalized only after giving opportunity to all those promoted to LSG, HSG II & HSG –I
(b) MACP clarification as per West Bengal Chief PMG's letter.
(c) Charge sheets, Break-in-service (FR 17-A) orders issued by Mumbai West Division, Satara Division and Pune RMS Division in connection with 2010 September 7th Strike.
(d) Revision of wages of casual labourers and Part-time contingent employees and indiscriminate outsourcing of their work.
(e) Removing the hurdles in commencing Local training classes for newly recruited PA/SAs with particular reference to Tamilnadu Circle.
Member (P) informed that police verification is a must before sending candidates for PA/SA training. No deviation from the Government instructions can be made by the Postal Board in this regard.
(f) Discontinuing double delivery system in metros especially in Tamilnadu.
Member (P) assured necessary intervention on all the above items.
Postmen Committee : met on 21.01.2011 at Dak Bhawan under the Chairmanship of DDG (MB). Com. M. Krishanan, Secretary General NFPE, Com. Iswar Singh Dabas, General Secretary P-4, Com. K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary, P3 represented NFPE in the meeting. Issues relating to Data entry work, Fixing of norms for all items of work ,Incentive for Speed Post articles, fixing minimum and maximum distance to be traversed by Postmen, filling up of all vacant posts of Postmen upto 2010 (inclusive of residual vacancies) were discussed in detail. DDG agreed that the Department will examine all the points raised by the Staff side and will come up with a final proposal in the next meeting. Next sitting will be held in March 2011.
Cadre Review : A meeting related to cadre restructuring held on 22.01.2011 at 11.00 hours. Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE alongwith Com. K. V. Sridharan G/S P-III, Com. Giriraj Singh G/S R-III , Com.I.S. Dabas, G/S P-IV, Com.P. Suresh G/S R-IV represented NFPE in the meeting. The meeting was inconclusive . Next sitting will be held shortly.
With greetings,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
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