Confdn/10/2011 Dated: 25.4.2011
Dear Comrade,
The Ist May this year falls on Sunday. In our country, perhaps the only offices which are open on May day are the Central Government offices. This explains amply the attitude of the Indian ruling class towards the working class especially the Central Government employees Being on Sunday, it gives us an opportunity to all our members to be participant in the common programmes organized by the working class jointly in all places in the country. We appeal to our affiliates and State COC to issue necessary instuctions to our members to take part in large numbers in those functions.
The historic May day - the international workers day, observed throughout the world by the working class to commemorate the hay market massacre and to rededicate themselves to the emancipation of the working class from the yokes of exploitation- this year in our country comes in the wake of the emboldened attempt on the part of the UPA II Government which was unfortunately elected back to power and rules sans the support of the left parties unlike the UPA I to reintroduce the enactments to amend the existing labour laws in consonance with the neo-liberal economic policies. In so far as the Central Government employees are concerned, this May day would be observed in the background of this Government’s renewed attempt to re-introduce the PFRDA Bill to withdraw the defined benefit statutory pension system which had been in existence even during the colonial days. The fact that this Government had no qualms in soliciting the support of the BJP and the other NDA constituents to get the necessary support for the re-introduction of the Bill in the floor of the Parliament in the last session in the wake of the objection raised by Com. Basudeb Acharya, the leader of the CPI (M) in the Lok Sabha speaks volume of its commitment to the neo-liberal economic policies, its anti worker attitude; the absence of any ideological or otherwise differences with the BJP and its overwhelming desire to support the big corporate houses in maximizing their profit at the expense and cost of common man. The one and only reason as to why they would like to have the PFRDA Bill in the statute book is to make available the hard earned income of workers for corporate investment and manipulation through the Stock Exchanges. The very fact that the extant executive instructions, which have not been issued in the name of the President is unconstitutional, illegal and immortal has not deterred it in imposing the contributory pension system on employees who are recruited after 2004. Most of the State Governments in the country, barring that are ruled by the Left Front Governments, Kerala, West Bengal and Tripura have chosen to abide by this illegal diktat of the Central Government. The Government has refused to make any guarantee in the proposed bill, which now stands introduced in the Lok Sabha to the workers for the loss of investment of the pension fund if in future the Corporate house which draw on the pension fund a becomes bankrupt, a provision available even in the Mecca of the Capitalist system, i.e the United States of America.
We, therefore appeal that while our members must be taking part in the common programmes organized jointly by the working class in each place on Ist May, 2011, the affiliates and COCs are requested to issue necessary instructions to all their branches and Units to organize meetings to observe MAY DAY on 2nd May, 2011 (Monday) in front of all offices so as to ensure that every member of the Branch does participate in the congregation.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
Secretary General
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