No. A – 34012 / 1 / 2011-De
Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts
( Recruitment Division )
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001
Dated : 6th April, 2011
1. All heads of Circles
2. Addl. D G APS, , West Block III, Wing No.5, R K Puram, New Delhi-110067
3. B D And PLI Directorates
4. Directors, Postal Staff College, India, Ghaziabad and Postal training Centres
Sub: Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Postal Service Group’B’-2011 to be held on 15th May 2011.
Sir / Madam,
I am directed to refer this office letter No. A-34012/2/2010-DE dated 16th March, 2011 where in the calendar of P As / S As Direct Recruitment and Departmental Examinations for the year 2011 was communicated.
2. Accordingly, the P S group ‘B’ Examination 2011 will be held as under:-
15th May, 2011 ( Sunday) | Paper – I ( Without the aid of Books ) | 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM |
Paper – II ( Without the aid of Books) | 02.00 PM to 05.00 PM |
3. As per the existing Recruitment Rules of the Postal Service Group ‘B’ following category of officials are eligible to appear for the examination;
i) Inspectors of Posts with 5 year regular service in the grade as on 01.01.2010.
ii) Clerical line officials working in Post Offices/Postal Divisional offices with 5 years regular service in the lower Selection Grade (LSG) only and above as on 01.01.2010.
Note: Postal/sorting Assistants placed in the TBOP/BCR/MACPs scales, which are only Financial Up-gradations, are not entitled to appear for the Examination.
4 The syllabus for the PS Group ‘B’ Examination 2011 is enclosed at Annexure-I and the schedule for conducting the examination is enclosed at Annexure-II. The Examination will be of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and with the use of carbonless (duplicate) Optical Mark Reader (OMR) Answer Sheets. A separate sheet will be provided for writing of paragraph other than MCQ Test Booklet.
5 It is intimated that the Question Papers for the said Examination (other than the Paragraph writing & Current Affairs) will be set within the ambit of the various postal Manuals which are made available on the Indiapost Website/various instructions issued by the Department from time to time/approved reference books notified in the enclosed modified syllabus. However, the Examination will be held without the aid of Books.
6 The category-wise break-up of vacancies to be filled through the PS Group ‘B’ Examination 2011 is indicated below :-
Vacancy position:
Category | OC | SC | ST | Total |
IP Line | 23 | 7 | 2 | 32 |
General Line | 09 | 0 | 1 | 10 |
Total | 32 | 7 | 3 | 42 |
Note: The result will be subject to the outcome of the judgments of various CAT Benches relating to previous Examinations.
7. The Application Form Kit will contain Application OMR Form (Magenta Colour), Instruction Sheet, Acknowledgement Card and envelope for mailing the Application Form to CMC Ltd.
8. It is requested to bring the contents of this letter as well as Annexure-I and II to the notice of all concerned.
9. Hindi Version will follow :
Yours faithfully,
L Mohan Rao
Assistant Director General ( D E )
Encls: Annexure I & II as mentioned in Para 4 above.
Annexure – I
Syllabus for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of P S Group ‘B’
Paper – I:-
(1) Acts / Rules / Guidelines / instructions relating to Inland & Foreign Posts, Mail Operations, Money Remittances, savings Bank Schemes & Certificates, Rural & Postal Life Insurance.
(2) Organization of Department, Office Procedure & Material Management for optimum utilization of network, establishment & Administrative Matters.
(3) Paragraph Writing and Current Affairs,
Paper II –
CCS (Conduct) Rules, CCS (CCA) Rules, Accounts, GFR, FR & SRs and FHBs
(L. Mohan Rao)
Annexure – II
Shedule for conduting the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. ‘B’
Sl. No. | Activity | Schedule |
1 | Receipt of application form willing candidates on plain paper with service details to decide the eligibility to Divisional Office / Circle Office/Controlling Unit | 11.04.2011 onward |
2 | Receipt of Application form kits by Nodal Officer [DPS(HQ)] of Circle from CMC | Latest by 11.04.2011 |
3 | Receipt of Application form kits by Divisional Office/Regional Office/Circle Office/Controlling Unit from Nodal Officer [DPS(HQ)] of Circle for making available to the eligible candidates | Latest by 15.04.2011 |
4 | Last date for receipt of Application Form (duly filled in) at Divisional Office / Regional Office/ Circle Office/ Controlling Unit | 25.04.2011 |
5 | Receipt of duly filled in Application forms by Nodal Officer [DPS(HQ)] of Circle sent by Divisional Office / Regional Office /Circle Office / Controlling Unit | Latest by 27.04.2011 |
6 | Submission of duly filled in Application Forms by ([DPS(HQ)] of Circle to CMC | Latest by 29.04.2011 |
7 | Issue of Hall Permits by CMC to eligible candidates | Latest by 05.05.2011 |
Date of Examination | 15.05.2011 |
(L. Mohan Rao)
Note: There is discrepancy in the no of vacancies notified and also we sent a detailed letter to the Secretary in this regard
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