Conf/ 22 /2011 Dated: 4.11.2011
Dear Comrade
We invite your kind attention to the declaration adopted by the National Convention held at Mavalankar hall, New Delhi on 7th September, 2011 in which delegates of all Central Trade Unions and Federations participated. (Copy appended hereunder for ready reference.) As you are aware, despite the protest and resistance movement organised by the working class, the UPA II Govt. had continued with the neo liberal policies unabated. The prices of all commodities especially the food articles had been constantly increasing and the Oil companies were permitted to increase the price of petroleum prices often. During its regime, the Govt. permitted the Oil companies to raise the prices of Petrol sixteen times and the Prime Minister has now threatened that his Govt. would soon take the decision to deregulate the administrative price mechanism in respect of cooking gas, kerosene and diesel very soon. For him the inclusive growth is only a phrase to be used to garner votes. In so far as the government employees are concerned, the next session of the Parliament would be crucial in as much as the Govt. Is bent upon enacting the PFRDA Bill to ensure the privatisation of Pension funds.
Even though the struggles against the Neo liberal policies were launched initially by the Left Trade Union and Left parties, the experience of the workers in the last ten years has compelled all Trade Unions to be part and parcel of the struggle against these policies. Whereas INTUC became the partners in the common struggles last year, the BMS has decided to join the common platform now. The Delhi Convention of 7th September, 2011 has called upon the workers to organise a Jail Bharo agitation on 8th November,2011. We do appreciate the constraints of the Government employees to court arrest. But that should not deter us from ensuring the active participation of our rank and file members in this historic struggle. The State Committees and affiliates must make all efforts to enlist participation of large number of our members in the rally on 8th November, 2011 at all places.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General
The National Convention of Workers being held on 7th September 2011 at Mavalanker Hall, New Delhi noted with serious concern that despite several rounds of all in united protests by the entire trade union movement of the country, the Govt has remained totally unresponsive to major concerns of the working people.
Practically no step has been taken by the Govt to address the basic demands of the workers being pressed through joint memorandum by the Central Trade Unions to honourable Prime Minister and the Lok Sabha Speaker and various other joint countrywide programmes.
Rather, aggressive moves are being taken to further aggravate the rise in prices through frequent hike in prices of petrol, diesel, LPG and kerosene. Disinvestment of shares of Public Sector Units is being actively pushed through by the Govt to facilitate phased privatisation of the highly profit-making PSUs. Existing labour rights including right to form union and to social security and pension are being sought to be curbed through various legislative and administrative moves. Mass scale contractorisation of the regular work is continuing in all the workplaces including in PSUs and Govt. establishments. Contract workers are not being paid in most of the places even the statutory minimum wages which is very low to meet the basic requirements for a human living.
The National Convention also expresses its serious concern over the flaring up of rampant corruption all around and huge black-money-generation in the economy and seeks to draw the attention of the Govt. to the widespread popular discontent and disgust over the issue of corruption demanding concrete legislative and administrative measures and change in the economic policy regime to eradicate and prevent corruption and bring back the black money stashed abroad.
The National Convention calls upon the working people of the country to further widen the unity achieved through united struggle and launch united protest against the unresponsive approach of the Govt. through intensified countrywide struggles.
While reiterating the five point demands formulated jointly by the Central Trade Unions and Federations for
1) Concrete measures to contain price rise,
2) Concrete measures for linkage of employment protection with the concession/incentive package offered to the entrepreneurs,
3) Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws,
4) Universal social security cover for the unorganized sector workers without any restriction and creation of a National Social Security Fund with adequate resources in line with the recommendation of NCEUS and Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour and
5) Stoppage of disinvestment in central and state PSUs.
The National Convention of Workers also demands immediate action by the Govt of India to ensure:
• No Contractorisation of work of permanent/perennial nature and payment of wages and benefits to the contract workers at the same rate as available to the regular workers of the industry/ establishment
• Amendment of Minimum Wages Act to ensure universal coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of statutory minimum wage at not less than Rs 10,000/-. • Remove all ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund; Increase the quantum of gratuity.
• Assured Pension for all
● Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days and immediate ratification of the ILO Conventions nos 87 and 98
To press the above demands and to prepare for higher level of united action, the National Convention decides to hold countrywide multiple forms of action such as SATYAGRAHA/JAIL BHARO, MASS SQUATTING etc. in all the state capitals and industrial centres on 8th NOVEMBER 2011.
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