Based on our request, the CGM
(PLI) invited for a meeting on 21.11.2011 at 11.30 hours. Com. K. V. Sridharan,
General Secretary & Com. Balwinder Singh Financial Secretary attended the
meeting. The following are the outcome after discussion.
of PLI/RPLI at divisional level
At the outset we recorded our
apprehension that the decentralization of PLI/RPLI should not result to the
similar fate of RD/MIS decentralization now ended in chaos as the decentralization
was made without providing proper infrastructure, staff etc. The following are
further discussions and decisions on the subject.
All the divisional offices have been supplied
with one computer one UPS and one Printer exclusively for the PLI/RPLI work
from the PLI funds recently. The Staff side’s demand to provide minimum three
computers exclusively for this purpose will be considered by consulting the
technology division of the Directorate. Meantime, the requirement will be
called for from the circles.
ii) All
the D.O staff and supervisory staff will be imparted adequate training on PLI
functions as requested by the staff side.
iii) The
claim cases, discontinued policies etc will be dealt only at RO/Circle level.
In respect of other regular sanctions on maturity and also for loan and revival
cases necessary safety software have been provided.
iv) All
Circle heads will be addressed to provide adequate arrangements to keep the
records intact either in the divisional office or any one of the departmental
building in case if sufficient accommodation at D.O is not available. Our
concern that what happened at the time RD/MIS decentralization in respect of
SB3cards & other records should not be repeated was well taken note of.
Power & Compensation
Creation of adequate staff to deal the works
will be considered. Diversion of surplus staff will also be considered.
ii) The
staff side demand to convert the present honorarium with annual ceiling of Rs.
4000/- as incentive without ceiling has been accepted. It was assured to cause
orders at the earliest.
iii) The
staff earlier drafted from the divisions to manage the PLI/RPLI work to circle
office will be returned back to their home divisions.
iv) Incentive
for the work performed by Accounts branch staff for PLI/RPLI schedule
preparation will be decided shortly.
to Field staff and GDS
We explained the delay in payment of incentive
bill to GDS for procurement of RPLI and lengthy proceedure being adopted in
each division on verification of bills. The CGM immediately pointed out that
orders have already been issued for simplification of procedure for sanction of
incentive to all including GDS.
1. All Staff including GDS will be allotted a
specific code number to each category of PLI/RPLI. Required software is already
dispatched and it should be maintained at divisional level.
2. The incentive amount has been enhanced for
RPLI business procured on or after 1.10.2009 by the divisional head @ of 10% of
first year premium income and 2.5% of premium income subsequently. The
incentive shall be paid on monthly or quarterly basis. There is no need to
prepare any bill. The payment shall be made automatically by the divisional
We reacted that in no circle, automatic
payment of incentive is being made as per our notice. The CGM informed that
42008 departmental employees and 48621 GDS officials have registered under the
Finally it is agreed to issue reminders to
all circle heads to first register the code and effect payment of incentive
automatically to the concerned SPM/BPM. A time frame for the extension will be
It is most pertinent to mention that the
RPLI incentive has been raised to three folds and this is not being implemented
in many circles.
All Branch/Divisional/Circle Secretaries
are requested to ensure registration of code number and automatic payment of
incentives to GDs brethrens and other comrades.
The CGM assured
that he will immediately initiate action through Secretary’s video conferencing
to complete the process at the quickest possible time.
We demanded that the enhancement of free
business from 4 crores to 9 crores for D.O PLI be revised for which there is no
agreement. The CGM replied that it is based on the inflation which is
4. Other Issues
i) We brought the
discrimination in the maximum limit of PLI policy to physically challenged
officials. The CGM replied that has been clarified vide Gazette notification
dt. 27.05.2011 and enhanced the limit to Rs. 10 lakhs. After hearing the
practical problems, the CGM assured to send one clarification to all circle
heads and give the address and e-mail address of the consulting Actuary, Delhi
for deciding the premium for such cases.
ii) It is told that the demand
of providing more bonus or lesser premium to staff for their own PLI policies
could not be possible as per the existing scheme unless we launch a separate
scheme with lesser bonus for lesser premium.
Iii) We pointed out about non
receipt of circulars from PLI Directorates since 2008. It was instructed to
note down all the recognized unions in the mailing list for supply of PLI/RPLI
We recorded our thanks to Sri.
Shekar K. Sinha, Chief General Manager, PLI Directorate for arranging such a
meeting and discussed all the issues put forth by us over two hours.
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