From .07.2013
The Sr. Superintendent
of Pos.,
Sub: Settlement of minus balances in SB Accounts at
......... – Reg.
Ref: SSPOs., Letter No……………..……………………..
dated …………………..
With reference to
the letter cited , it has been mentioned
that , there is negligence on my part, on the noted SB
accounts which resulted in minus balance on
the said accounts. Based on that, a recovery of Rs…………….
is proposed to be made from my pay and allowances.
In this connection , I
am to submit the following for your
kind consideration and for issue of favourable orders.
1. Rule
18 of PO SB General Rules, 1981 empower the Postal Department to recover any
excess paid amount paid to the depositor as arrears of Land Revenue from the
depositors. Hence I request to initiate action as per the Rule ibid for
settlement of the Minus Balance.
2. Further,
I was not given any of the copy of documents, by which ,
establishing that I was actually responsible for the minus balance,
since the noted dates of transactions were between the year …………… to ……………..
For eg. copy of nominal role, user code maintenance record containing
authorization on the software, print out copy of my pass word usage on
the said transactions, copy of LOTs concerned , SO SB OM Register, SBCO
OM register , SB 46 registers etc. Though, instructed in the ref., I was
not allowed to pursue with the connected vouchers/supplied with copies of
records etc. This is totally a denial of natural
3. As
per Rule 48 (ii) of PO SB Manual Volume I, the Ledger Assistant
at HO should post the entries in the ledgers concerned and
any discrepancy noticed should be booked into. This was not done in
this case and the part of S.O. SB is completely
hided , with a motive to favour on selected interests.
4. As
per Rule 92 (2) (i) , (ii) , (iii), (v) and Rule 92(3) of PO SB
Manual Volume I, Objection registers should be maintained with recordings
of difference in balances at SO SB and SBCO and extract
should be sent to S.O.s to rectify then and there. Monthly statement
of the pending objections should be sent to the AO ICO (SB) and
Senior Superintendent to take further action. These were not done in this
case and if so the relevant records should be given
access to the charged official to prove his innocence.
5. Since
there are agreements made by the SBCO years-to-gether,
and list of balances verified through the authorities concerned,
for any reported left over/excess/short
entries in manual ledgers/computers of …….. years
back, the official working at S.O. level should not be selectively
6. As
per Standard Inspection Questionnaire prescribed by the Department ,
vide para 27 (ii) and 32(c) checks should be made by the
Inspecting authorities for verification of balances through issuance of SB 46
notices to the depositors concerned, and verification of SO balances concerned
with HOs and nothing seems to be done in this case for the
past …………….. years and failure, if any, is now rushed to be fixed
only on the part of SO level, leaving the Inspecting authorities/Mail
Overseers in a biased manner.
7. No
sub- ordinate officers/ inspecting authorities/SO SB/SBCO officials, are
issued with notices for recovery of pay, on whose part there are
many such lapses in such of those cases, and I should not be
singled out for any recovery in this case.
8. As
per Rule 106 of P&T Man. Vol. III , any recovery can be imposed only
when it is established, and in this case it was not done.
9. As
per Rule 107 of P&T Man.Vol. III , the Disc. Authority
should correctly assess in a realistic manner the contributory
negligence, and while determining any omission or lapses on the
loss considered and the extenuating circumstances in which the duties
were performed by the official, shall be given due weight, but
nothing has been done in this case.
In view of above, it is
requested that I may be allowed to go through the
records pertaining to the periods covered/ supplied with the copies of
records as said above, under which such minus balances
occurred. Thereafter, I shall give my final reply in this connection.
Thanking you Sir,
Yours faithfully,
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