- Date of Effect: The date of effect of all Allowances is kept as 1.9.2008 to deny handsome arrears to employees.
- Dearness Allowance: AICPI [IW] 1982 is modified into AICPI [IW] 2001. The base year in the existing fixed base index method is going to be revised as frequently as feasible in future as per the recommendations of Pay Commission. While change of base year of AICPI [IW] is understandable, the frequent change of base year is causing is to be viewed seriously. Moreover while working out the conversion the rounding off of the fraction leads to a perennial recurring loss of 1% DA.
- CCA: The City Compensatory Allowance is totally abolished. Even though the Transport Allowance is stated to have been quadrupled, taking into account the fact that our existing Transport Allowance should have been enhanced long back on the basis of the Arbitration Award in our favour, the four times rise in Transport Allowance by abolishing CCA is not providing enough rise to all to compensate the loss in lieu of abolition of CCA.
- Transport Allowance: The non-acceptance of staff side demand for a minimum of 1200/-+DA on it to Metro Cities for lower grade officials and a minimum of 800+DA on it to non-metro city officials has been denied. The grant of 600+DA in Metros and 400+DA in other places is too low in the background of points discussed in the foregoing paragraph.
- Special Duty Allowance: The Staff Side demanded for payment to all CG Employees without any condition. The All India transfer liability is taken away. But still the condition for posting on transfer from one area to another may not ensure payment to all. There is no clean and unconditional waiver of conditions for payment by the Government as demanded by staff side. However it should be seen as to how the definitions in the order "including initial appointment" and "area" and differentiation of areas in States as A, B, C to distinguish "Hard Area" "other area" etc are going to be positively taken for making the SDA payment to all.
- Abolition of Border Area Allowance: The abolition of border area allowance payable to officials working on the international border of Punjab and Rajasthan will deprive such officials the benefit they were drawing since 1999. The rationale is lacking for abolishing this allowance by saying that the allowance quantum is very less that makes no impact on its withdrawal.
- Transport Allowance on par with 4200 to 4800 Grade Pay is allowed for all employees on 4000/- basic pay in pre-revised scale of pay.
- Y and Z class Cities and Towns are allowed a rise of 5% and 2.5% in HRA.
- Many Allowances are to be automatically increased by 25% when the DA payable goes up to 50% in revised pay.
- Element of DA over the Transport Allowance is granted.
- The condition denying payment of Transport Allowance for employees provided with official accommodation within one kilometre of office orwithin a campus housing the place of work and residence is removed to fecilitate payment even to SPMs occupying quarters offices.
- Ladakh is now included for grant of SDA.
- Acceptance for granting additional quantum of pension @ 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 100% on attaining the age of 80, 85, 90, 95 and 100.
- Payment of full pension on completion of 20 years of qualifying service.
- Maximum pecuniary limit of gratuity payment is increased to 10 lakhs.
- Enhancement of years of payment of family pension to 10 years in case of Government employees dying in harness.
- Quantum of family pension also is increased by 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 100% as in the case of old pensioners.
- A constant attendant allowance is introduced to civilian retirees also as in the case of Defense forces.
- Ex-gratia grant in cases of death occurring due to accidents in course of duty attributable to acts of violence of terrorists etc or otherwise is enhanced to 10 lakhs. The same is raised to 15 lakhs in case of enemy action international war or action against militants etc as well as due to natural calamities, extreme weather conditions while on duty in high altitude and border posts etc.
- The widowed daughters also are placed in first category along with sons for the purpose of nomination for eligibility to get family pension etc.
- Childless widow will continue to get family pension even after her marriage until her income becomes equal or higher than minimum family pension.
- The 40% fitment weightage given to pensioners is only on the minimum of their basic pension unlike the serving employees who are given 40% of the maximum of their pay scale. This is a discrimination against the pensioners.
- Commutation value is reduced causing huge loss to all post 1.1.2006 retirees. The reduction of commutation factor is aimed to deny the actual commutation quantum based on the increased basic pay.
- Restoration of full pension after 12 years as demanded by the staff side is not yet conceded even though the commutation percentage is reduced.
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