PF- 50 (d) /2008 Dated 9th September 2008
Ms. Madhu Narayanan
Member [P]
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Re-fixation of wages of Paid Substitutes in tune with 6th CPC revised pay and allowances – reg.
The Government orders on implementation of revised pay on 6th CPC recommendations have been issued. Therefore the wages being paid to Paid Substitutes engaged in leave vacancies of Postman and Group D also require to be suitable revised.
This Federation would like to bring to your notice that while such re-fixation of wages for Paid Substitutes was ordered after the implementation of 5th CPC in 1997, the components of HRA / CCA were taken out of the computation in contravention of P&T Finance orders in existence at that time. Despite best efforts by the staff side the issue was not settled. But on the judgment of Honourable High Court of Madras the Directorate has ordered payment of wages for those paid substitutes who went to the court on the basis of correct computation of wages including elements of HRA/CCA. However the same is not extended to all similarly placed paid substitutes in other places.
Therefore this Federation would like to request that the following action may kindly be caused:
- Re-fixation of wages for Paid Substitutes on the basis of the revised 6th CPC pay; and
- Computation of refixation including components of HRA / Transport Allowance in tune with the spirit of the Honourable Madras High Court Orders.
This Federation would highly appreciate an early action and a reply.
PF- 14/2008 Dated 9th September 2008
Ms. Madhu Narayanan
Member [P]
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Request for issue of instructions on revised pay for certain cadres like TBOP/BCR Postmen, DSV, Matriculate TBOP/BCR Group D etc – reg.
This Federation requests your personal intervention for the issue of instructions on the matter of revision of pay for the following categories of employees to avoid confusion and denial of proper fixation in the revised pay structure:
- The TBOP and BCR Postmen: Since the Postmen are awarded with upgraded pay scale of 3200-4900, the Postmen in TBOP and BCR level also are to be upgraded to next levels accordingly as otherwise many DDOs are likely to fix wrongly the Postmen, TBOP Postmen and BCR Postmen under the same Grade Pay level.
- The Departmental Stamp Vendors [DSV] who are of Postmen cadre also are to be fixed in 3200-4900 upgraded scale for which clear instructions from Directorate is necessary. This is requested from our past experience of V CPC when the DSVs were denied fixation on par with Postmen just because there was no mention in the first orders of the Directorate. Later on this was set right by subsequent orders only. This confusion is likely to occur this time also.
- The Group D scales are to be upgraded immediately for Matriculates. Their TBOP and BCR level of pay also needs to be upgraded from the present levels. Clear instructions in this regard is urgently needed as otherwise all Group D [both matriculate and non-matriculate] are likely to be fixed only in 1S Scale with 1300/- Grade Pay instead of PB-1 with Grade Pay 1800/= and with corresponding higher levels for TBOP/BCR.
PF- 50 (d) /2008 Dated 9th September 2008
Ms. Madhu Narayanan
Member [P]
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Re-fixation of remuneration of Part-time and contingent paid staff in tune with 6th CPC revised pay – reg.
The remuneration payable to Part-time, contingent paid staff are linked with the minimum pay of the group D employees and consequent on the implementation of 6th CPC pay scale, the remuneration for the above require to be revisited and improved accordingly.
This Federation would therefore urge upon you to cause to issue necessary instructions to re-fix suitably the remuneration payable to these sections as early as possible.
PF- 50 (d) /2008 Dated 15th September 2008
Ms. Madhu Narayanan
Member [P]
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Re-fixation of wages of RRR Candidates and payment of arrears in tune with 6th CPC revised pay and allowances – reg.
This Federation would like to seek your personal intervention in causing fixation of pay payable to RRR Candidates in tune with the implementation of revised pay structure for the respective regular employees.
There are more than 600 RRR Candidates in Tamilnadu Circle who are working against PA/SA, Postmen / Mailguard and Group D vacancies for the past more than 10 years on the basis of the daily wages calculated at the minimum level of respective cadre. Now the pay of these regular employees has been fixed in the 6th CPC Revised Pay Structure w.e.f. 1.1.2006. Therefore these RRR Candidates are also eligible for revised fixation at the minimum level of respective cadre since 1.1.2006 and accordingly eligible for payment of arrears also.
This Federation requests that suitable Directorate instruction in this matter may kindly be caused to be issued at the earliest.
This Federation would highly appreciate for your favourable action and a line in reply.
PF-14/2008 Dated 16th September 2008
The Secretary [P]
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Merger of Postal Dispensaries with CGHS – Implementation of 6th CPC Recommendations – reg.
Ref: 6th CPC Report Para No.7.6.16 under Department of Posts.
Kindly refer to the above recommendations of the 6th CPC wherein it has been recommended to merge the Postal Dispensaries with that of the CGHS with a comment that there is a strong merit in the proposal made by the Department of Posts in this matter to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
The 6th CPC has recommended that all the Dispensaries presently being run by the Department of Posts should immediately be merged with CGHS and all postal employees be covered under the CGHS Scheme, wherever available. It has also recommended that this facility should be extended to the retired postal employees.
This Federation therefore requests you to cause to take necessary urgent steps to get the above recommendations implemented at the earliest as such a step would help very much to get better medical treatment for the Postal Employees and Postal Pensioners in such places.
We will highly appreciate for favourable action and a line in reply into the nature of action taken in this matter.
PF-14/2008 Dated 16th September 2008
The Secretary [P]
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Para Medical Staff of Postal Dispensaries – Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC – reg.
This Federation notes that certain staff like Staff Nurse have been ordered higher replacement pay scales of PB-2 with 4600/= Grade Pay in the Revised Pay Rules, 2008. There are some other Para Medical Staff for whom the recommendation is to be fixed in the corresponding Pay Scales and Grade Pay.
The cadres Medical Store Keepers and Laboratory Technicians have been referred in Para 7.6.10 under the Department of Posts Chapter that the Commission has considered these categories in Chapter 3.8. The recommendations made therein shall be extended to these categories as well.
This Federation requests for clear instructions on pay fixation for these common category of Para Medical Staff under the Department of Posts.
A line in reply into the nature of action will receive our high appreciation.
PF-14/2008 Dated 16th September 2008
The Secretary [P]
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Isolated Cadre of Technical Postal Assistant in MMS – Upgradation of Scale – reg,
This Federation notes with concern that the 6th Pay Commission has omitted totally in its report to analyse the isolated cadre of Technical Postal Assistant in MMS under the Department of Posts and would like to place the following view points for the consideration of the Department for taking up with the DOPT for appropriate grant of higher scale of pay.
The Technical Postal Assistant in MMS is a cadre with Diploma qualification. This cadre is to possess the minimum qualification of Diploma in Instrument Technology or Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical or Electronics Engineering from Technical Institutes recognized by the Central / State Government to be recruited for this job.
The 6th Pay Commission recommendation as a basic approach recommended in all cases of Diploma qualified cadres in various departments a Higher Scale of Pay in PB-2 with 4200/= Grade Pay. Unfortunately the Pay Commission was not brought into the knowledge of this cadre with Diploma qualification that led to omission of grant of higher pay to this cadre. This require to be taken up by the Department of Posts with the DOPT for grant of PB-2 with Grade Pay for Technical Postal Assistant.
This Federation requests that very early action in this direction may kindly be initiated.
PF-14/2008 Dated 16th September 2008
The Secretary [P]
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Grant of Special Duty Allowance to all employees of NE Region – Implementation of 6th CPC Recommendation orders – reg.
This Federation draws your kind attention to the MOF OM No.11(5)/2008-E.II(B) dated 29th August 2008 on the matter of Special (Duty) Allowance for CG Employees of NE Region (including Sikkim) and Ladakh and requests that clear instructions are required from the Directorate for effecting payment of this Allowance to all the employees of our department in the NE Region (including Sikkim) and Ladakh.
It is observed that the above order permits grant of this SDA to all employees by dispensing with the all India transfer liability and also says that irrespective of whether the transfer (including on initial appointment) is from outside the North Eastern Region or from another area of that region.
The 'Area' means any area within a sub division or a division or a revenue district or a State and therefore all the employees have been going here and there from one area to another area for working during the past so many years including their initial appointment. Therefore the SDA has to be paid to all employees working in NE Region (including Sikkim) and Ladakh hereafter without any restrictions.
This Federation therefore requests that the Directorate instructions for payment of SDA to all officials of these Regions may kindly be issued.
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