For More Details about TUI Conference and Secretary General Confederation full text of address etc please visit confederation website
Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers
D/11/32/2009.Dated: 11th August, 2009.
Dear Comrades,
Anomaly and Standing Committee meetings.
There had been no formal or informal meeting with the Government either to discuss the anomalies or issues emanating from the implementation of the 6th CPC so far.
We had placed the items the staff side had sent for the consideration of the National anomaly committee (first instalment) on our website. The second and final set of items is likely tobe submitted in a day or two. As and when the same is finalized we shall place copy thereof on our website. We have received innumerable number of letters from our affiliates requesting us to take up the department specific anomaly items in the National Council. It is difficult to individually respond to these letters. Department specific items are to be pursued at the Departmental Anomaly Committees. Complaints have been received by us that many Ministries have so far not set up anomaly committees. We shall take up this issue with the Department of Personnel.
TUI PAE Conference at Brasilia.
The TUI PAE Conference was held this time at Brasilia in Brazil and Com. Sebastiano Soares has been elected as the General Secretary. We had placed a brief report of the Conference immediately after the inaugural session. We were awaiting for a full report from the newly elected Secretary General along with the resolutions and declarations adopted. But so far we have not been favoured with such a report from him. We therefore place below a brief resume of the deliberations at the Conference along with the declaration here below.
National Council meeting.
The National Council of the Confederation is due to be held in this month as indicated in our last communication. The available members of the National Secretariat of the Confederation met at New Delhi and it has been decided to convene the Council meeting either by the end of November, 2009 or in the first week of December, 2009 as per the availability of the hall etc The Council meeting will be held at New Delhi. The affiliates have been informed by our earlier communication of the subscription dues. However, none has chosen to make remittance. We shall once again request that the due may please be cleared immediately.
All India Convention of workers:
14th September, 2009.
The Sponsoring Committee of Central Trade Unions along with INTUC and BMS has decided to convene a National Convention on14th September, 2009. The main theme of the convention is to harness the support of the entire working class in the country against the neo liberal economic policies and the anti labour attitude of the Government. The extract from the communication we have received in this regard is given hereunder.
The meeting of the Central Trade Unions held on 19th July, 2009 at the INTUC H.qrs. at New Delhi expressed serious concern over;
*rising prices of essential commodities including food grains and vegetable creating severe hardship for the mass of the people
*continuing job losses resulting in loss of livelihood to millions of workers across the sectors owing to recession and economic slowdown
*non implementation of and rampant violation of basic labour laws pertaining to minimum wages, working hours, social security safety in workplace and trade union rights etc. throughout the country adding to the sufferings of the entire toiling people
*extreme inadequacy of the provisions and schemes under the un-organized workers sector workers including the contract workers owing to the restrictive provisions under the schemes and absence of any national fund for the un-organized sector(NAFUS) as recommended by the NCEUS and Parliamentary Standing committee on labour
*move of the Government for disinvestment of shares in profit making central public sector enterprises
The Central Trade Unions call upon the workers and employees and their unions irrespective of affiliation to unitedly highlight the concern over the above mentioned burning issues facing them and at the same time urge upon the Government to take urgent remedial corrective measures to address the aforesaid concerns of working people effectively.
The Central Trade Union decides to submit a memorandum to the Prime Minister on the aforesaid issues and hold a National convention of Trade Unions at Delhi in September, 2009 to chalk out common future programme.
Further details of the convention as to the Number of delegates the Confederation would be entitled to depute etc. will be available in our next circular letter.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty.
Secretary General.
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