General Secretary's Desk
Dear Comrades,
Greetings to all Comrades on the eve of Independence Day, Janmasthami, Vinayak Chathurthi, Onam etc. Let us discuss some of the latest developments.
The Latest News at Head Quarters
On 13.08.2009, We had a meeting with Member (P), DDG (Establishment), DDG (P), Director (SPN) and discussed various issues. The following are the informations, we gathered from these officers.
(i) Modified ACP – While elaborating details and illustrations on ACP scheme in the orders the Department has decided to include the cases of Drivers of MMS in the scheme for which a decision on modalities has to the decided with due consultation with DOPT. Member (P) and DDG (Establishment) told that today the Department is deputing an official to DOPT to get the clearance and further assured to release the ACP orders positively in the next week. We conveyed our concern over the delay.
(ii) GDS Report implementation - The file is pending for cabinet decision. It is assured that on receipt of cabinet approval, orders will be released as quickest as possible. It is learnt that there are lot of items pending for cabinet decision with more priorities. Unless the Government draws special attention to move the GDS report with most priority, it may even be delayed further in case if the issues are routinely processed as per the present priorities.
(iii) HSG-I Recruitment Rules -The DOPT has again not agreed to consider the proposal of the Department of Posts in relaxing the service condition of 3 years for LSG to HSG II and HSG II to HSG I promotions. The DOPT is insisting that it should be 5 and 8 years respectively. The Department is again taking up with DOPT that it is not possible and it should accept the proposal sent by the Department. Our demand to convert all HSG I posts to General line could be settled only after the approval of the revised HSG I Recruitment Rules.
(iv) Calendar of Examination for 2009 - which was not released in time and pointed out by the CHQ is under preparation and will be circulated shortly.
(v) IPO Results - Today, we conveyed our concern to Member (P) about the inordinated delay in releasing the Inspector post exam result. Assured that it will be released soon.
(vi) JAO absorption in Telecom - The Department of Post vide its letter No. 311/(ii)2009/PA Admn. III/03-143 dt. 07-08.2009 sought willingness among the JAO qualified officials for permanent absorption of Asst. Accounts officer in Department of Telecom as one time measure. The last date for receipt for requests was fixed as 21.08.09 to Directorate which is insufficient. We requested to modify the last date of receipt of applications from the officials as 21.08.09 to their respective circle offices. Member (P) agreed to consider and cause orders for the same. We are of the firm opinion that merger will only be the best option but however, notwithstanding our claim, we sought absorption in order to accommodate the JAO qualified officials since they should not miss the bus this time due to our claim and the department's negative position.
(vii) Decision for filling up of ADR Posts - The Department will decide with in a week about the continuance of the present Postal Asst. Recruitment rules in order to finalise the recruitment process of Postal Assts for the vacancies notified under ADR plan for 2006, 07 & 08. We are insisting immediate action for the recruitment and filling up of posts.
(viii) Revised PA Recruitment Rules – The Revised Recruitment Rules for Postal Assts. is under consideration. Our demand to remove the condition of permanency for writing LGO exam will be considered. Similarly, the demand of dropping of confirmation Examination will also be considered.
(ix) Other Issues - DDG, Establishment assured that he will finalize shortly on the issues of Road mileage Allowance to Systems Administrators, Special Allowance to TBOP/BCR PAs working as PO & RMS Accountants, Revision of FSC etc. We conveyed our resentment over the inordinated delay in settlement of these issues.
R.T.I ACT - Three Decisions
(i) High court of Bombay at Goa held on 03.04.2008 in the case of Dr. Celsa Pinto Vs. Goa State information Commission regarding information commission under the Right to information ACT, 2005 that the term 'information' as defined in the RTI does not include answers to the questions like 'why'. The Department has communicated the decision to all Chief PMG vide its letter No. 102-1/2007-RTI dt. 03.07.2009.
(ii) 'File Noting' can be disclosed except file noting containing information exempt from disclosure under section 8 of the Act. The said decision has been communicated vide letter no. 1/20/2009/IR dt. 23.06.09 by the department.
(iii) Based on the direction from Central Informations Commission vide CIC/AD/A/ 07/00394. Dt. 18.05.09 to publish the information in the website uniformly at all places in the Department of Posts, and instructed all circle heads to update informations relating to their area on website of the Department i.e. in coordination with Director PTC, Mysore 112-1/2008-RTI dt. 18.06.2009.
JCM Staff Side (National Council) Letters on Demands
(i) The Secretary, Staff side JCM (National Council) has written to Secretary, Department of Expenditure on 12.06.09 to take immediate decision on the enhancement of the rates of monthly subscription and the amount of insurance cover under the CGEGI scheme as under
Group Rate of monthly subscription Insurance cover
A 720 7,20,000
B 360 3,60,000
C & D 180 1,80,000
(ii) The Secretary, Staff side, JCM (NC) has taken up with the Secretary, MOF vide this letter dated 12.06.09 to cause orders exempting the full amount of Transport Allowance from the deduction under the Income Tax Act.
Other News
(i) 14 days strike salary – All circles have been addressed to furnish the requisite information after collecting the particulars from the individuals who intends to convert the period of strike in to EL accumulated during the years 2000-01.
(ii) OTA Ceiling - The proposal taken by the department for revising the pay ceiling of Rs.6800/- on implementation of 5th CPC sent by our department has not been agreed to by the nodal department.
(iii) Payment of salary through banks - The Department has intimated to our CHQ vide its letter No. 2-1/2007-08/PA/D 628 dt. 21.07.09 that as far as payment of salary to the officials working in rural post offices including GDS is concerned, payment can be made through Post Office Savings Bank. The orders are being published in the Bhartiya Post.
(iv) Filling up 2009 Vacancies - The Department vide its letter No. 60-16/2009-SPB II dt. 30.07.09 has directed all the circle heads to work out the existing as well as firm anticipated vacancies of the year 2009 of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant to be filled up by direct recruitment and communicate the division wide break up of the direct recruitment vacancies of pertaining to the years 2006 to 2008 cleared under the optimization scheme latest by 17.08.09 to process the matter further.
(v) Remarks on undelivered articles - The Department has caused detailed instructions on the procedure of Registered letters by serving of intimations to the addressee and framing standard remarks to be recorded on articles which cannot be delivered and are to be returned vide its letter No. 2-7/2009- PO dt. 30.07.09. It will clear the confusion prevailing in Project Arrow post offices to some extent. The full text of the orders will be published in the next Bhartiya Post.
(vi) Com. K. Ragavendran, Secretary General on Foreign Tour
The Eleventh world congress of Trade Union International of Public and Allied Employees was held at Brasilia, Brazil from 28.06.09 to 30.06.09. Com. K. Ragavendran, Secretary General NFPE attended as the delegate and his report about his tour was published in the Postal Crusader July'09 issue.
(vii) New Series of consumer Price Index
The Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India has informed that it has proposed to shift the base of CPI-IW from old base i.e. 2001=100 to a new base year 2010=100. The sachem is under consideration and as soon as the Ministry gives its approval work on updation of new series will begin.
(viii) Changed Health Services for CGHS Beneficiaries
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is considering to bring some changes in the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS). The scheme at present is available in 25 big cities of the country only. As recommended by the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the Government intends to put employees at left-out places under medical insurance cover. It also purposes to arrange sample collection service in coordination with Hindustan Lever Limited. It is also mulling to simplify the referral system for treatment from empanelled private hospitals. The ministry may enlarge the list of empanelled hospitals by adding Appollo hospitals in it. The dispensaries may also be equipped with dialysis units, ultrasound and X-ray machines. It is looking at introducing free prevention health check-ups for all the beneficiaries aged 40 years and above.
(ix) Investment Board for PLI/RPLI -
The Department of Posts invited applications for four posts of Analyst (Debts), Analyst (Equity), Director (MIS), and Director (Accounts and Treasury) based in Mumbai on contract or deputation basis for a minimum period of one year since the Department decided that the net accretions to the PLI and RPLI funds w.e.f 1.10.2009 should be invested as per IRDA regulations. The funds will be transferred to the two Funds Managers, already appointed, SBI Mutual fund and UTI Mutual fund for investment under non discretionary mode. The policy frame work and the structure of the investments will be decided by an Investment Board and will be executed by a Chief Investment officer (CIO) to be stationed at Mumbai. The CIO will be heading the Investment division. The CIO will be assisted by Analyst (Debt), Analyst (Equity), Director (MIS) and Director (Accounts & Treasury)
(x) Age proof for pensioners
The Department of pension & PW vide its letter No. 38/37/08 P& PA dt. 11.08.09 has clarified as interalia: -
"Considering the difficulty in producing any of the documents mentioned in its memo dt. 21.05.09 (i.e) pan card, S.S.C certificate, passport, CGHS card or driving license by the old pensioners, particularly those in rural areas, it has been decided that the voter ID card my be accepted as proof of date of birth/age for payment of additional pension/family pension on completion of 80 years."
(xi) Insurance Scheme – is it an alternate to CGHS?
The Health Ministery has sought opinions from Government employees & others about the proposed Health Insurance scheme on the following: -
(i) After introduction of the Health insurance scheme, it shall be made compulsory to all new recruitees
(ii) It shall be compulsory for all retiring after the introduction of the scheme.
(iii) It will be voluntary for the existing employees serving the CGHS area. Serving/retired employees may opt out from CGHS. They will also have the option of choosing both CGHS and insurance policy. In such case the total premium has to be borne by the beneficiary
(iv) It is voluntary in the non CGHS areas also
Confederation has taken a position that strengthering the CGHS will be the better option rather than opting for Health Insurance scheme.
(xii) Outsourcing of Speed Post Bulk Data Entry work
The Department of Posts has ordered outsourcing the data entry work related to booking of speed post articles w.e.f 01.09.2009. This is the first move officially on outsourcing the postal operation work.
(xiii) Merger of SROs with Heads/Bigger Post offices
PMG, Kurnool has sent a proposal to the Directorate regarding merger of SROs with nearest post offices. He advocated closure of SRO offices and transfer of staff to Post offices. The proposal is nothing but the first step to close down the RMS and merge with post offices in the future.
(xiv) 60% Pay commission Arrears
Confederation leaders informed that the payment of 60% arrears will be ordered only in the month of September 2009. Funds have been allotted in the Budget.
(xv) D.A Increase - The expected increase in D.A from 01.07.2009 will be 5%
An Appeal to Divisions/Branches
(i) Please remit the due Quota immediately to CHQ and clear the dues pertaining to Bhartiya Post journal.
(ii) Please remit donation @ Rs.20/- per member to CHQ if not already remitted / disproportionately remitted comparing the membership. This should be compiled with.
(iii) Please enroll more membership for Bhartiya Post.
Nothing special other than the above and the letter ofcourse becomes lengthy. Let us meet in the next.
With fraternal greetings,
Comradely yours,
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
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