Official Meeting on Uniforms: DDG level Meeting was held on Uniforms issue on 3.8.2009. NFPE, FNPO and BPEF Federations and P4, R3 and R4 Unions were invited for discussion. The issues discussed were (1) Colour of Uniform; (2) Stitched Uniforms. NFPE Secretary General and General Secretaries of P4, R3 and R4 participated. On behalf of NFPE the following points were emphasised:
- Colour of Uniform should be Khaki
- Uniform cloth should be of high quality
- Stitched Uniforms will create problems of size etc and therefore the present method of supply of cloth should continue – For maintaining uniformity in pattern of uniform, the department may supply the specimen picture of uniform so that the tailors can follow the same pattern.
The meeting discussed about the feasibility of having a panel of tailors in every division as like the Police Department etc. However no decision could be taken on this point.
The view points of Staff Side would be placed before the Postal Board and a final decision would be taken by the Postal Board.
Informal Meeting with Secretary [P]: Secretary General NFPE and the Deputy Secretary General NFPE met the Secretary Department of Posts informally on 3.8.2009. An invitation to grace the P4 AIC at Kolkata was extended to her on behalf of P4 CHQ. Secretary [P] assured to depute some higher officer to the AIC on behalf of the Department of Posts. The following issues were informally discussed with the results noted therein:
- IPO Exam Results: The extreme delay in announcement of IPO results was pointed out and a letter of NFPE was also handed over. Secretary [P] immediately directed other officers to take action for early announcement of results by overcoming whatever be the problems. We later confirmed from ADG that action is being directed by the Secretary [P] for getting the valuation of one more paper and by first week of September 2009 the results would be declared.
- Entertaining Private Insurance Companies: NFPE gave a letter opposing entertaining the private insurance companies who are our business competitors for collection of premium in post offices. Secretary [P] assured that no private insurance companies would be entertained by us.
- POSB for Pay Disbursement: One more letter requesting including POSB for pay disbursement was given to Secretary [P] – However the Secretary [P] is not relenting and says that POSB option would be accepted once core banking is introduced in POSB. When reminded her of the reply received by P3 CHQ from Directorate about rural areas including GDS can have POSB, she said these are left to the Chief PMG level for final decisions.
Informal Meeting with Member [P]: NFPE Secretary General and General Secretaries of P4, R3, R4 and Officiating General Secretary of P3 CHQ Comrade Sivannarayana met Member [P] informally. An invitation to grace the AIC of P4 in Kolkata was extended on behalf of P4 CHQ. Member [P] intimated us that the DOT Absorption circular for JAOs would be circulated by Directorate by next day. The following issues were raised with the results noted therein:
- Irregularity in HSG-II Postings in RMS Tamilnadu: The continued silence on the part of the Circle Office Tamilnadu and refusal to reply any letter from Directorate on this issue was pointed out by us. Member [P] assured to direct accordingly.
- Member [P] was reminded of the discussion by NFPE with Secretary [P] on 24.07.2009 and the issues of Cadre Restructuring; DDG Level meetings on Action Taken Report.
Informal Meeting with DDG [P]: NFPE Delegation consisting of the Secretary General, General Secretaries of P4, R3 and Comrade Sivannarayana Officiating General Secretary P3 met the DDG [P] on 3.8.2009. On discussion about the irregularity in HSG-II Postings and transfers in RMS Tamilnadu Circle and the manner in which the letters of Directorate are ignored by Circle Office Tamilnadu etc, the DDG [P] directed for intervening with the Chief PMG Tamilnadu Circle through a DO letter on this matter.
Informal Meeting with DDG [Estt]: NFPE Secretary General met DDG [Estt] on 3.8.2009 and enquired about the release of ACP Orders for Postal Employees. DDG informed that the orders are in finalising stage and will be presented to JS&FA approval before issue of orders. Secretary General's further discussion with ADG centred around the inclusion of Drivers of MMS in the Modified ACP Scheme. We expressed that Drivers are presently covered by TBOP/BCR scheme and therefore they need not be brought under ACP which will be detrimental to their interests. We told that we are interested to elevate the pay scale of Drivers under cadre restructuring only. The ADG wanted a letter from R3 Union in this matter and accordingly the General Secretary R3 would submit a letter to DDG
PA/SA INDUCTION TRAINING FOR BIHAR CANDIDATES: The issue of non-inclusion of 50 PA candidates for induction training was again taken up by NFPE with the DDG [Training]. The DDG [Training] earlier assured the NFPE that after 15th August a decision would be taken for Bihar Candidates and some arrangement would be made for sending them to training in available PTCs. NFPE would pursue the issue with the DDG Training for resolving the issue soon after 15th August 2009.
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