The CHQ has written a letters to Secretary, Department of Posts by name requesting to intervene and settle the long pending demands as per the decision of the CWC held at Kurukshetra on 14.07.09 to 15.07.09 to avert further Trade Union programmes including the proposal one day token strike in the month of November 09. The copy of the letter is reproduced hereunder.
Ref: P/4-4/Demands Dated – 18.08.2009
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan New Delhi – 110001
Sub: - Undue and arbitrary delay in considering the staff problems pertaining to Group 'C'
This union is constrained to bring it to your kind notice that despite various correspondences and discussions, there is not even an inch improvement in major problems pertaining to the Group 'C' cadre. Even the assured items in the reconciliation meeting held on 13.01.09 with your esteem have not been resolved till now.
Many issues raised by this union remain unsettled over years together. The Central Working committee meeting of this union held at Kurushetra on 14.07.09 & 15.07.09, after thread bare discussions has resolved to submit the details of pending issues to your kind notice for immediate settlement and in the event of non settlement, it was decided organize action programme culminating to one day token strike during November 2009.
The issues in which there is no settlement or improvement compiled in the form of pending demands is enclosed alongwith the letter.
It is pertinent to say that we have been forced to launch programme of action despite the fact that we intend peace and amity purely due to the lethargic and protraced delay in disposal of staff grievances and demands by the Directorate.
It is requested to intervene and settle the problems contained in the Charters to ensure industrial peace and tranquility.
May I seek your response madam
With profound regards,
DA: as above
Yours sincerely,
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
1. Fill up all vacancies including residual vacancies of LGO
(i) Ensure filling up of all vacant posts of Postal Assistant, LSG, HSG II & HSG I
(ii) Ensure filling up of residual vacancies of LGOs from 2000 onwards. In many circles like west Bengal, Assam, Bihar, A. P, Tamilnadu, Gujarat, Orissa etc., the process is not completed.
(iii) Engagement of short duty staff for 8 hours daily instead of present 3 hours to manage the shortage of staff in PA cadre
(iv) Remove ban on creation of posts and provide justified staff for effective functioning of new services.
(v) Absorb all the approved RRR candidates of Tamilnadu Circle as one time measure in the residual vacancies kept unfilled up for the purpose.
(vi) Withdraw the instructions preventing the recruitment process & fill up the approved vacancies under ADR plan 2006, 2007, 2008 & for the vacancies of 2009.
2. Fill up all promotional posts & settle allied issues
(i) Ensure causing orders on notional promotion in West Bengal circle in the left out divisions.
(ii) Ensure implementation of Directorate instructions in according the notional promotion and recasting the LSG seniority for HSG II & HSG I promotion - case of Orissa Circle – Ensure scrapping of HSG II orders issued before set aside the irregularities in the notional promotion.
(iii) Relax the condition to Determine the seniority based on the date of confirmation while granting notional promotion, since no confirmation was issued in many divisions after the implementation of TBOP. Hon'ble Supereme Court had also held that it is unconstitutional and based on this the Government has also withdrawn the earlier orders on confirmation.
(iv) Waive the application of Bench marks upto 2008 since the seriousness was not felt in the department then and the CRS were written by the divisional heads in casual manner.
(v) Ensure grant of APM Accounts promotion as per 1976 LSG Recruitment rules & filling up of existing vacant LSG, HSG II & HSG I APM Accounts posts.
(vi) Revise the HSG I Recruitment Rules by relaxing the conditions of service to 1 year and declare all HSG I posts to general line and regularize the adhoc promotion in HSG-I with retrospective effects.
(vii) Cause orders to draw officiating pay to all HSG II & BCR officials working in HSG I posts.
3. Improving the promotional Avenues and consider the cadre review proposals
(i) After switching over to ACP, the cadre reviews under TBOP, BCR become obsolete. In order to off shoot the matching savings, fresh cadre review providing more promotional avenues be considered.
(ii) Restore 20% LSG ensured during 1974 agreement by upgrading the A, B & C class Postmasters as Supervisory LSG Posts.
(iii) Enhance the entry scale of Postal Assistant to the grade pay of Rs.2800/- & enhance further promotional grade pay accordingly to LSG, HSG II & HSG I as 4200, 4600 & 4800.
(iv) Ensure more HSG II posts by upgrading the present LSG Posts and amalgamate the present HSG II & HSG I Posts.
(v) Elevate the scales of PO & RMS Accountants, Systems Administrators to the grade pay of Rs.4200/- and absorb the existing Systems Administrators in the newly created posts.
(vi) Create augmentation of 'Marketing Executive' and declare it as a promotional cadre to Postal Assistant.
(vii) Modify the proposals of Postmaster's cadre and elevate the pay grades as Rs.4200. 4600, 4800 respectively to Grade I, II & III and also by increasing the number of such posts as per the 1974 agreement.
(viii) Ensure all HSG I, Postmasters Group B & Group A for General line officials as hierarchical grades.
(ix) Allowing all Postal Assistants having 10 years of Service to write the Group B examination for the vacancies earmarked for General line.
4. (i) Review and drop all cases of charges fixing responsibilities on APM Accounts/Accountants due to over payment to Postmen after the implementation of Fifth CPC recommendations.
(ii) Ensure to take the special allowance drawn by PO & RMS Accountants for pay fixation on promotion.
(iii) Ensure drawal of special Allowance to the PO & RMS Accountants for pay fixation benefits on ACP promotion as if available for the JAO Qualified officials in DAP office on ACP promotion.
(iv) Ensure implementation of Dte order No. 2-1/2001-PE I dt. 28.05.2002 in all circles providing protection of pay of defunct scale of PO & RMS Accountants who opted for General line. This has been implemented only in Punjab Circle.
5. Ensure adequate staff strength and infrastructure as assured in the 'Blue Book' in the Project Arrow offices. Arrange man power as per the requirements and arrest the irregular procedures to deceive the Department by furnishing wrong figures in ensuring cent percent delivery.
6. Consider the Past services of ex RTPS for seniority and ACP promotion and cause orders.
7. (i) Create the cadre of Systems Administrators and absorb the existing officials as SAs in higher posts.
(ii) Issue of uniform duties and responsibilities to Systems Administrators.
(iii) Ensure that the responsibilities fixed on Inspecting officers should not be transferred on SAS.
(iv) Provide Computer/Laptops to the Systems Administrators.
(v) Ensure incentives for installation/upgradation of softwares.
(vi) Provide training Allowance/Honorarium for imparting training at WCTCS.
(vii) Grant of uniform Road Mileage Allowance to the systems Administrators.
(viii) Provide accidental insurance to SAs.
8. Stop harassing the officials under contributory factors on flimsy reasons and protect the innocents by clear cut orders.
9. Clear all pending personal claims since 2003 and also incentive for business activities in mutual fund work.
10. Other important demands
(i) Drop the Confirmation Examination process and withdraw the orders.
(ii) Grant of Cash Handling Allowance to the P.O Treasurer at par with cashier of RMS/Administrative offices, irrespective of the cadres like of TBOP BCR or ACP & discontinuance the practice of obtaining fidelity/security bond from the employee handling cash.
(iii) Revise the Fixed Stationary chares with retrospective effect.
(iv) Stop transfer of Foreign post works to RMS-Restore status Quo ante.
(v) Withdraw the orders preventing second posting of SPMs in B &C class offices.
(vi) Withdraw the instruction preventing the recruitment process & fill up the vacant posts forthwith.
(vii) Ensure either to upgrade the post attached quarters to the standard accommodation or dequarterise those offices forthwith.
(viii) Absorption of all JAO Qualified officials by applying the DOP & DOT merger in the Accounts cadre.
(ix) Non supply statement of balance to the officials brought under New Pension scheme 2004 containing the official & department contributions for the said fund.
Enhancement of Financial powers of HSG I, HSG II & LSG Postmasters to tackle the day to day requirements in attending problems arisen at the workspot.
The DDG (P) has proposed to held a meeting on 31.08.2009 to discuss on the sectional Charter of Demands. The letter received from the Directorate and the CHQ letter are reproduced hereunder for the notice of all.
No. 137-20/2008-SPB.II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated 17-August 2009
Shri K. Ragavendra,
Secretary General,
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building
New Delhi – 110001
Shri K. V. Sridharan
General Secretary
All India Postal Employees Union, Group 'C'
Dada Ghosh Bhawan
2151/1, New Patel Nagar,
New Delhi – 110008
Sh. D. Theagarajan
General Secretary,
Federation of National Postal Organisations,
T-24, Atul Grove Road,
New Delhi – 110001
Subject - Meeting taken by Secretary (Posts) with NFPE, FNPO and their affiliated associations held on 13.01.2009-Discussions at DDsG level on the 'Action Taken Report' on Sectional Charter of Demands – Regard.
I am directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to say that as a follow up of the meeting taken by Secretary (Posts) on 13.01.2009 with NFPE, FNPO and their affiliated associations, the concerned Divisional heads were asked to hold discussion at DDsG level on Sectional Charter of Demands.
2. It is proposed to hold a meeting under the Chairmanship of DDG (P) Shortly. You are, therefore, requested to send a list of issues on which further discussion is proposed to be held by 31st August, 2009. You are further requested to send a list of General Secretary of the affiliated Associations with their address who could be invited to attend the meeting.
Yours faithfully,
(Suraj Bhan)
Asstt. Director General (SPN)
Ref: P/4-4/Charter of Demands Dated – 18.08.2009
Sri. Suraj Bhan
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan New Delhi – 110001
Sub: - Meeting taken by Secretary (Posts) with NFPE, FNPO and their affiliated associations held on 13.01.2009 – Discussion at DDSG level on the 'Action Taken Report' on sectional Charter of Demands.
Ref: - (i) Your letter No. 137-20/2008-SPB II dt. 17.08.09
(ii) This Union letter of even no. dt. 19.1.2009
While thanking the gesture for arranging a meeting under the Chairmanship of DDG (P) and invited the list on which further discussions is proposed to be held by 31.08.09, I wish to inform that we have furnished the list on 19.01.2009 itself.
However for your ready reference, the extracts of the same is enclosed for further action.
With regards,
DA: as above
Yours sincerely,
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
Copy to: -
All CHQ Office bearers/Circle Secretaries
1 (i) | Recast the notional promotions since1982/1983 onwards and fill up all vacant posts of LSG/HSG II & HSG-I. | Apart from Bihar, Rajasthan, NE, Jharkhand, the Circles like Madhya Pradesh & J K Circles, the process of notional promotions has not been exercised yet. In West Bengal it was partial. The issue related to Orissa has not yet been settled despite orders from the Directorate. Since the notional promotion is the basis for higher promotion like HSG II & HSG I, the delay is deplorable. Specific target date should be fixed for finalizing the issues to all circles. | DDG (P) |
1 (ii) | Fill up 2/3rd unfilled LSG vacancies notionally from 7.2.02 to 18.05.2006. | If the unfilled up vacancies under 2/3rd vacancies from 4.1.02 to 18.5.06 were filled up notionally instead of prospective effect in 2007/08, there may be more number officials becoming eligible for HSG II promotion. This may please be considered. | DDG (P) |
1 (iii) | Relax minimum-qualifying service for HSG II promotion | (i) It was assured during the talks held on 19.4.07 to relax minimum qualifying service for HSG II promotion in order to fill up the HSG II posts in the absence of eligible LSG officials. (ii) Further DOPT vide its OM No, 28036/01/2007-Estt (D) dt 14.11.08 delegated the power of relaxation to concerned Ministries/Department in respect of Group C & D posts. Hence this may please be considered. (iii) Based on the same order cited in Para supra, all the vacant HSG I posts may also be filled up on ad hoc basis by relaxing the conditions further. | DDG (P) |
1 (iv) | Irregular application of bench mark of current period for notional promotions. | The instructions of DOPT dt. 16.6.2000, that only CRS for the year immediately preceding the years of vacancy/Panel should be considered if DPC are held later then the schedule prescribed in model calendar" has not been taken note in many circles and current bench marks were applied wrongly for the notional promotions. A clarificatory orders may be issued to rectify the mistakes. Further in some circles, the bench mark was applied for TBOP/BCR promotion, despite the existence of clear cut orders from the Directorate. Moreover, it is requested to waive the application of Bench marks up to 2008 since the seriousness was not felt in the dept and the CRS were written by the divisional heads in a casual manner. | DDG (P) |
1 (v) | Date of LSG Promotion be calculated from the date of issue of orders and not from the date of joining. | The DOP&T guidelines as stated in ATR has not been followed in many circles. In Tamilnadu, the seniority in the LSG promotions were given effect from the date of joining the post. Suitable instructions may be issued to all circles.
| DDG (P) |
1 (vi) | Grant of modification of LSG as one time measure for those aggrieved due to dearth of LSG vacancies/Rule 38 transfers. | (i) Since the LSG notional promotion was granted on notional basis, in some divisions due to more number of LSG posts in existence, the juniors got their LSG promotions. In other divisions due to dearth of LSG Posts, the seniors are deprived of notional promotion (ii) Similarly, Rule 38 transferees could not get their LSG notional promotion due to application of divisional Gradation list. In order to mitigate the genuine grievances of the above said officials in promotional aspects, modification of LSG by granting notional promotion may be explored since the anomaly is prevailing due to various changes made in the procedure of LSG/HSG II recruitment rules. | DDG (P) |
1 (vii) | Drawal of pay to senior BCR officials in HSG I posts as the pay scales of HSG II & BCR is one and the same & settlement of earlier officiating cases of Tamilnadu, West Bengal & other Circles as one time measure. | (i) The provision of officiating in higher post and grant of higher pay for the officiating period beyond 14 days is very much in existence in the Department of posts. This was not termed as adhoc promotion. The arrangements were being made for short term arrangements. (ii) Further pay scale of HSG II & BCR is one and the same. BCR officials are holding the pay scale equal to HSG II and when they have been ordered to officiate in HSG I, they are entitled for officiating pay. (iii) In some circles, regular HSG II officials have been ordered to work in HSG I posts without any extra remuneration. (iv) In some circles like Tamilnadu, West Bengal, some senior officials have been ordered to officiate in HSG I posts of more than one year during 2002 to 2005 in the absence of clear cut clarifications and circle heads has already referred the cases to Directorate to regularize the arrangements beyond one year as one time measure which is pending over two years. The due officiating pay had neither drawn nor taken for retirement benefits. (v) 1622 HSG I posts have been upgraded only on matching schemes by axing 680 PA posts and as such the denial of due benefits/higher pay is arbitrary, unjust and against to the canon of natural justice. | DDG (P) |
1 (viii) | Fill up all the vacancies by relaxing the minimum qualified service for HSG-II and HSG-I promotion. | (i) Since the DOPT vide its OM dt. 14.11.08 has delegated the power of ad hoc appointment up to the period of three years to the concerned department, all the posts may be filled up by relaxing the conditions. (ii) Revise the HSG I Recruitment Rules by relaxing the conditions of service to 1 years & declare all HSG – I posts to General line and regularize the ad hoc promotions in HSG I with retrospective effect. | DDG (P) |
1 (ix) | Anomaly in the preparation of PA Gradation list. Date of confirmation should not be taken now and Date of appointment be taken for construing seniority. Fixing seniority based on the date of confirmation is unconstitutional and discriminatory & Dropping of confirmation Examination | In many divisions, the confirmation was not exercised for many years after the introduction of TBOP, and only Divisional Gradation list was maintained. When a new Circle gradation list is now prepared, it should be on the basis of present rulings and since the confirmation was delinked from seniority, this should not be insisted. It is requested to reconsider the issue once again based on the Apex court judgment and the recent pronouncement of the CAT, Bangalore. | DDG (P) |
2. | Withdraw the draconian orders contained in the Dte letter No. 22-5/95- PE.I dated 21.05.07 denying BCR benefits to those declining LSG promotion. Several officials were arbitrarily, unjustified denied the due BCR Promotions | (i) The issue was taken by this union too many times. We record our concern that in the ATR, it was mentioned that the representation of other unions alone was considered and modified to that extent. (ii) TBOP& BCR are not termed as ACP promotions and the guidelines on ACP should not be applied in this case. (iii) TBOP, BCR & regular promotions are two distinct matters and TBOP/BCR has implemented on matching savings. It is requested to review and withdraw the orders | DDG (P) |
3. | Filling up the APM Accounts LSG, HSG-II posts as per 1976 LSG Accountants Recruitment Rules. | A time schedule should be made to sort out the long pending issue. This should not be protracted further. The modalities in resolving the issue may please be briefed. | DDG (P) |
4. | Filling up Residual vacancies since 1999-2000 onwards without any further delay; and return the deputationists from CO/RO to manage the acute shortage of staff in divisions. | (i) A kind attention to invited to the discussions had on 13.1.09. Two instructions of the Directorate were handed over. Unless suitable clarifications is issued both by the staff & establishment divisions, the issue will not be sorted out. Vacancy position & follow up action of each circle if appraised will resolve the problem once for all. (ii) Since there is acute shortage in operative side, the deputationists may be returned back forthwith. (iii) There is no action to fill up the vacancies at Orissa, West Bengal, Bihar etc. In Tamilnadu the process the filling up of 852 PA posts has not started as they are kept reserved for RRR candidates. In AP, Maharashtra, the process has not finalized. | DDG (P) & DDG (Est) |
5. | Immediate withdrawal of orders discriminating regular and FTP LSG and posting them in Delivery offices. | (i) The discrimination among the LSG as regular & FTP is deplorable. (ii) This will demotivate the supervisory officials. (iii) Causing frequent disturbance to FTP officials is also a concern. This discrimination should be ended by withdrawing all the orders. | DDG (P) |
6. | Ensure filling up of all posts cleared under ADR plan for 2006, 2007 & 2008 & Filling up the vacancies for 2009. | The instructions issued in May 2009 to stop the recruitment may please be withdrawn and the process may be started forthwith. | DDG (P) |
7. | Engagement of Short Duty Staff for eight hours per day to manage the current shortage & overwork. | It was assured to review the scheme after one year of its introduction scheme (i.e) August 2009. Suitable action may please be taken. | DDG (P) |
8. | Protection of pay of defunct scale of PO & RMS Accountants who opted for General line | The clarification issued to Punjab Circle vide No. 2-1/2001-PE I dt. 28.05.2002 ensuring protection of pay for defunct scale PO & RMS Accountants who opted for General line has not been communicated to other Circles resulting in audit recoveries & over payment. This may be circulated to all circles. | DDG (P) |
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
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