We are not asking Moons or Stars. Just for fair promotional avenues and to set right the disturbance in the vertical and horizontal relativities caused in the supervisors pay scale by the Fifth Pay Commission with that of IPOs and ASPOs. The injustice caused to this major chunk and back bone of the Postal operations is still remaining uncared and unattended even after the implementation of Sixth CPC recommendations.
When the Postal Assistant was granted with Rs. 260/- as basic pay scale by the Third Pay Commission, the LSG officials were granted with Rs. 425-700 and the same was the pay scale for the IPOS. HSG-II was provided with 550-850 which was at par with ASPOs.
The Fourth Pay Commission had disturbed this age long relativities by elevating the span in the pay scale for IPOs (LSG 1400-2300, IPOs: 1400-2600) and created a separate pay scale to IPOs. The HSG-II was downgraded with 1600-2600 where as the ASPOs were elevated to Rs. 1640-2900, and the SPOs were equated with HSG-I with higher span in the pay scale (HSG-I 2000-3200, SPOS 2000-3500).
The Fifth Pay Commission has totally ignored the existence of supervisory Posts and caused irreparable damage and totally disturbed the relatives maintained for many decades between the LSG & IPOs. The pay scale of LSG was decided as 4500-7000 where as IPOs got 5500-9000. Similarly HSG-II officials were given only 5000-8000 and the ASPOs were granted with Rs. 6500-10500; HSG-I was fixed as Rs. 6500-10500 whereas the Group B was given 7500-12000.
Even Dutta Committee recommendations, 14 days strike, continuous negotiations, court cases etc. become futile and the injustice caused by the Fifth Pay Commission remains static and caused irreparable and perennial loss to these cadres. The Sixth CPC has atleast equated the pay of HSG-I with that of ASPOs but did not render any justice to other supervisory categories.
When the basic pay of Postal Assistant was 260, it was fixed to LSG as Rs. 425/- and in between there were 330 & 380 basic pay scales. When it was 975/- and the LSG was 1400, in between there was one pay scale commencing with 1200. After the 5th CPC, the hierarchical elevation was totally disturbed and only the next basic was fixed for any promotion in LSG & HSG-II cadre. The Sixth CPC has simply adopted the Fifth CPC formula for these cadres and further caused resentment among these cadres. Number of Questions still unanswered.
The Sixth CPC has categorized the pay bands from 1 to 4 and termed the first as operative; second as supervisory and third and fourth as Gazetted. When the supervisors are provided with Pay Band II starting with grade pay of Rs.4200/-, why not it be implemented in Postal to the LSG which is the basic supervisory cadre? What is the justification to keep the LSG in operative?
When all Government departments started discussions on cadre restructuring, why there be silent to process our proposals which was submitted in August 2008 itself? When the Department desires to forward proposal for elevation of grade pay to Inspector Posts, what stalled them to process the cases of LSG, HSG II & HSG I for higher grade pays? Who prevent them to process and alleviate the exploitation and render justice to the PO & RMS Accountants for higher Grade Pay? Where is the proposal for creation of Computer System Assistants Posts which is available in other departments starting with the grade pay Rs.4200/-? What is the recognition extended to the present Systems Administrators who did the miracle of maximum computerization in the Postal without any expenditure?
When the Department go back to the position prior to 1983 in declaring the TBOP & BCR as financial upgradation and restored the old system of LSG, HSG II by granting notional promotions since 1982, will it not be the responsibility of the dept to ensure 20% LSG Posts which was prevailing prior to introduction of TBOP? What is the present percentage? It is below 8% of the total operative posts! Will it not restore the posts surrendered at the time of TBOP & BCR to the extent of 6% + 20% in operative & supervisory posts when we come out from the scheme? Or will it not come forward atleast to compensate the loss by providing more promotional avenues by exercising the cadre restructuring? Is it not its responsibility to restore and revive the charge allowance & other allowances to the SPMs & others while going back to pre 1983 position?
When five cadre reviews had already exercised for top Bureaucrats in Postal, will it not think to exercise atleast one review immediately since the earlier TBOP & BCR were now withdrawn in the Postal? Will it not demotivate the officials who are holding the same position as Postal Asst. for many years? When all Departments, the nomenclature were changed according to requirements like Station Masters as Station Manager, Engine Driver as Engine Pilot, Workshop as care centre etc. what is the justification to call the PAs as LSG, HSG II, like that? Why not they be called as supervisors, managers, senior supervisors, Chief supervisors etc! Will it not bring them a prestige among the society on their status in the department?
For all these, the only answer is cadre review which is the core demand of Postal employees. The delay in consideration of this just demand will cause resentment and total unrest amidst the major chunk of the Postal employees. Our patience over years reaches the saturation and shall not wait further. Let us keep ourselves ready in the event, if our genuine demand is not considered and mitigated soon.
The entire gamit of the issue is detailed in the editorial. Now we should start a campaign by involving entire work force. Let the powers that be understand that the opeative cadre is the face of the post office in public view and with the present discrimination they can't lead the department forward to prosperity.
Yes comrade the editorial is very focussed on cadre review. Cadre review is the on stop solution for all the problems prevailing amoung our Group C cadre. Why cant the Group C union alone organise a major struggle for this demand alone. What happened to the unanimous decision taken in CWC,Kurukshetra in going on a Strike in the month of November 2009. No news about culminating a major action in November 2009 in the subsequent issues of Bharathiya Post also. Please execute that decision.
with regards
Comrades,The Group C people doing the full operational part of department of posts , the actual back bone of the system were thrown out to the back yards now a days. All burden of technology implementation, staff reduction, revenue generation and business activities were imposed on this category without having any chance for their prospects. Most of them are even not in a position to realize this discrimination.This is like last centuries cast discrimination.Let us all awake to strengthen intiatives by our CHQ
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