The Department is causing retrograde orders one after another affecting the interest of GDS comrades. It has tightened the norms to the extent of 1 point for cash handling of Rs.20000/- and its application. No norms for RPLI, NREGS has been fixed so far even as per the GDS committee report. Now the recent attack has come in the form of closure of all existing EDSOs before 28.02.2010 by an order dated 14.01.2010. The reason for such move is that there is no much distinction between the functioning of EDSOs & Pos and the decision is based on the Nataraja Murti's accommodations. The present incumbents holding the post of GDS SPM will be give protection in the TRCA scale of Rs.4575-85-7125 corresponding to five hours/125 points. The downgraded EDSO will function with the establishment of GDS SPM, GDS MD/MC depending on the justification for such a post. If there is justification for upgradation in to Departmental Sub offices. It can be upgraded by utilizing may surplus post of PA.
1 comment:
Postal JCA should also oppose the orders issued by the Department with regard to NREGA incentives. Till now the most complicated order used to be Norms released by the Department to determine the work load in Treasury Branch. Has somebody ever applied those norms correctly is anybody's guess. The recent NREGA incentive order is still more complicated and no body would like to prepare incentive bills applying these orders.
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