General Secretary Desk
Membership Verification
Please refer NFPE's circular dt. 29.03.08 which was forwarded by the CHQ recently. Please note the important points and act swiftly.
1. The authorisation form bearing the signature of the Director (SR) should alone be used while obtaining declaration from the members
2. There is a separate form prescribed for GDS employees in which alone the declarations shall be obtained from GDS. The form used for departmental employees should not be used for GDS comrades.
3. The last date for submitting application is 10.06.08. Need not wait till last date. Enrol more membership as early as possible.
4. The membership list should be submitted in triplicate and in each page the Divisional/Branch secretary should sign.
5. If any official has signed more than one declaration form, he can not be allowed to become member of any association till another five years. Therefore, this should be explained to all members and ensure that they have not signed in more than one application to different unions.
6. If any fake or fabricated or in genuine authorisation is proved, the concerned divisional Secretary shall not continue as office bearer in the union for another five years.
7. The D.D.O should display the list from 11.06.08 to 20.06.08. Have a close watch and see our membership intact.
8. As per the revised practice, the Circle Unions can obtain a statement from the circle office on 25.7.08 on the verification process and it is more transparent. Percentage should be arrived based on the real working strength only.
9. One senor officer will be entrusted at Circle office for attending complaints and settlement of disputes in the verification process. This may also be properly utilised in case of any problems arisen at the time of obtaining declarations from members.
10. If any irregularity is noticed on part of DDOs, disciplinary action shall be taken against him.
This is the time; Act : Prove your mite
Comrades, This time we should prove that there is second none by enrolling more membership in our fold. The only requirement that we should work hard and effectively. We are having sufficient time. The Circle Secretary should depute his office bearers to all divisions/Branches duly allocating responsibilities of three to four branches each to them. Let them work hard in mobilising the cadres and members by explaining our commitment for the cause of Group C
Comrades and other comrades of Postal. Organise more area meeting in each division and invite circle office bearers for effective campaigning. During the entire months of April & May'08.
We should take a lead in mobilising the GDS comrades this time too. All assistances should be extended to their divisional secretaries in collecting more declaration forms to their unions
We can do it.
I request all of you to act, advance and proove your mite in enrolling more membership to our organisation and other affiliates of NFPE. Shall I seek your response comrade?
A Stupendous Task
Because of the categorisation of SBCO as a distinct category, the NFPE Secretariate has decided to form a separate union for SBCO under the name of All India Postal SBCO Employees Union and accordingly office bearers have been nominated and applied for the verification.
Comrades, SBCO Comrades are our Comrades and earlier they were the leaders of our organisation. It is our duty to strengthen the 'All India Postal SBCO Employees Union' with more new members. The following comrades have been nominated as Circle Secretaries to submit decleration in respect of their circles.
Andhra Pradesh - Com. L. Prakashrao, PA, SBCO, Bobilli Parvatipuram (A.P)
Assam - Com. Pramod Borah, PA, SBCO, Tezpur HO-784001 (Assam)
Bihar - Com. Nirmal Kumar Pandey, PA, SBCO, Rai Bareli (U.P)
Gujarat - Com. R.B. Chauhan, BCR, PA, SBCO, Gandhinagar HO-382010
Haryana - Com. Rajiv, PA, SBCO, Ambala City HPO
Karnataka - Com. S. Gurumurthy, BCR PA, SBCO, Bhadravati HO-577301
Kerala - Com. M. Krishnadas, Supervisor, SBCO, kaxhikode HO-630001
Maharastra - Com. Manohar Kashiram Parab, BCR PA, SBCO, Mumbari GPO
North East - Com. Swarup Chakraborty, Supervisor SBCO Dharmanagar,
Orissa - Com. Kapileswar Singh, TBOP, PA, SBCO, Keonjhargarh HO
Punjab - Com. Baldev Raj Sharma, BCR, PA, SBCO, Moga HPO (Ferozpur
Tamilnadu - Com. S. Appanraj, BCR PA, ICO (SB) O/o PMG, Southern region
Uttar Pradesh - Com. Kamla Shankar Mishra, PA SBCO, Allahabad HO
West Bengal - Com. Asit Das, PA SBCO, Alipore HO, Kolkate - 700027
In respect of the following circles, the Circle Secretaries are requested to identify a leader in SBCO to lead the Circle Union and intimate the name to CHQ/NFPE within a week so that we can authorise him to sign the declaration forms obtained from the SBCO members of their circles for submission to D.D.Os
(i) Chattisgarh (ii) Delhi (iii) Himachal (iv) J & K (v) Jharkhand (vi) M.P. (vii) Rajasthan
(viii) Uttarakhand.
The success out come of SBCO union under NFPE is now only on the hands of Circle/Divisional Secretaries of our P3 Union and we are confident that they will rise up to the occasion and render all assistances to SBCO association to come out colourfully in the verification process.
Recognition & Revival of RJCM
The Department of Posts accorded recognition to NFPE & FNPO Federations vide its letter No. 17/9/2007-SR. dt. 27.03.08. Accordingly all negotiations forums will be revived and reactivated early.
All Circle Secretaries are requested to consult each others with other affiliated unions of NFPE Viz-P4, P3, R4, Admn. & Postal Accounts and select and intimate five members for the RJCM of their circle immediately to the Federatin and our CHQ. The revival of RJCM at Circle level is the first task we should carry out for the interest of grass root levels. NFPE will issue a circular separately. All are requested to send the selected list to NFPE/CHQ within a fortnight and assist us.
NFPE Conventions
The state level conventions of all unions affiliated to NFPE Orissa, Bihar and Jharkhand Circles were held at Bhubaneswar, Patna & Ranchi on 24.03.07, 26.03.07 & 27.03.08 respectively. All General Secretaris & Secretary General NFPE attended the Conventions and galvanised the organisational net. Further convetions at Ambala (Hariyana) & Chandigarh (Punjab) will be held on 03.04.08 & 04.04.08 respectively. In respect of other Circles, the programmes will be finalised in next month.
GDS Commitee
News & Notes
v Postal Employees on training as on 01.01.04 are entitled for pension under CCS Pension Rules 1972.
(DG (P) No. 4-3/08 - Pension dt. 27.03.08)
(This issue was taken by the CHQ through confederation)
v Compulsory posting of FTP officials has been relaxed. Requests if any against the transfer be considered and transfer deferred.
(DG (P) No. 6-19/2007-SPB II dt. 31.03.08)
Meeting with Secretary, Department of Posts, on 01.04.2008
A delegation of NFPE consisting of its Secretary General and the General Secretaries of P3, P4, R3, Admn and Postal Accounts met Shri.I.M.G.Khan, the Secretary Department of Posts informally on 1.4.2008. The Delegation thanked the Secretary [P] for granting the recognition to the Federation. The issues raised and the response of the DG Posts are as follows:
1. Reconstitution of Postal Departmental Council JCM in the wake of recognition to Federations and holding of Periodical Meeting with the Federation and All India Unions:
Secretary [P] agreed to the above.
2. Anomaly in pay for TBOP and injustice to System Administrators etc:
We pointed out that consequent on placing the TBOP / LSG Supervisors in the same PB-1 pay band along with Sorters, LDCs, Postmen, PA/SA and some of these cadres who are to be supervised by the LSG also reaching the same Grade Pay of the Supervisor, the LSG /TBOP are much downgraded. The issue of Pay Commission neglecting the services of System Administrators also was pointed out. The DG mentioned that a Committee has been constituted in the Directorate to look into the issues arising out of Pay Commission's Report and suggested that the Staff Side can communicate such issues to the Committee after mutual consultations amongst the staff side.
3. Promotions to JAO qualified Hands.
We tried to find out whether any progress had been achieved in the matter with the Department of Telecommunications. It was told that the Honourable Minister of State for Communications & IT with both the Secretaries is beckoning a meeting and the issue might be sorted out there. However he assured that if necessary pending a final decision on the matter of merger, the qualified JAOs might be given promotion adhoc / temporary basis and therefore on this issue we may prefer a discussion with the Member [P].
4. Modification of Member [P] orders to post FTP officials as SPMs in Delivery offices.
Secretary [P] told us that this has been done. Later the modified order has been made available to us. The order is modified to the effect that those officials who have genuine problems in getting disturbed from their present posts could be permitted to stay on etc. [Now affected officials should be guided to submit representations citing their difficulties and the latest DG instructions and get the transfer orders cancelled]
5. Non-grant of notional promotions to LSG in Orissa circle.
The attempt to convene the DPC to fill up the posts of HSG-II without sorting out the notional promotions in Orissa Circle was raised by us. Secretary [P] assured that the Director would shortly pay a visit to Orissa to sort out the issue.
6. Attempt to form Mumbai City Region.
Secretary [P] categorically stated that no such proposal had been cleared by the Honourable Minister and the Directorate and therefore no new region could be formed as such.
7. Atrocities of SSP Meerut Division.
Secretary [P] assured that necessary action would be taken.
8. Changing the nomenclature of RMS in Kerala.
We pointed out the change of nomenclature of RMS in Kerala Circle while the issue is being discussed at the all India level between the official and staff sides. The Secretary [P] assured us that he would sort it as he is going to Kerala soon.
9. Exemption of Screening Committee.
Secretary [P] informed us that a meeting of Secretaries was held and a decision with regard to those departments where already 10% establishment had been downsized, stopping further application of Screening Committee is likely to be accepted soon.
10. Curtailment of Delivery by Circle Administration.
The curtailment of delivery resorted in places like Lucknow GPO, Patna GPO etc was brought to his notice and Secretary [P] immediately issued strong instructions for restoration at least 2 deliveries.
On 4.4.2008, NFPE and GDS Union will jointly tender oral evidence before the Nataraja Murti GDS Committee on the issues of three lakhs of Gramin Dak Sevaks. The Delegation would consist of the Secretary General NFPE, General Secretaries P3, P4, R4 and GDS. In the background of 6th Central Pay Commission already submitted its recommendations, our delegation would place the issues of GDS before the Committee in a comprehensive manner.
TBOP/BCR Court Case
The case relating to higher pay scale to TBOP/BCR did not came up for nearing on 13.03.08 due to more number of stages. It may come up for hearing at any time and final hearings will be held continuously. If the parity of Pay scales of TBOP and BCR is equated with Telecom. The TBOP will also the brought in to the Pay Band 2 of the Sixth Pay Commission which will mitigate the unjustice caused to TBOP. We are following the case.
Let us meet in our next
Comradely yours,
1 comment:
The Government of India has now constituted a committee to examine the system of Extra departmental Post Offices; the terms and reference of the committee inter-alia include the following:-
(a) To examine the system of extra departmental post offices, conditions of employment, method of recruitment, wage structure of Gramin dak sevaks,
(b) To examine the reasonableness of introducing a social security scheme for providing provident fund and retirement benefits to GDS.
(c) To review the facilities provided to the public by the rural post offices.
But in Postal department itself there is another section of GDS employees who are not included in the terms of referance of the GDS committee.But their future wages and other service conditions are totally dependent on the recommendations of GDS Committee.They are GDS Mail Man and Mazdoors of Railway Mail Service.
They are Gramin Dak Sevak Mail Man by designation but they are working in Cities and Urban areas only.But their TRCA and other conditions are the same as that of GDS in villages
In RMS Group D has no norms for work and their work is assessed based on observation.So similarly there is no norms for the work of GDS mal man in RMS and their work is also assessed on observation.
So authorities were reluctant to recommend Group D posts and usually recommended three GDS posts against two Mail Man posts.That is how this ED system ,probably originated in RMS.
Earlier there were orders in the past abolishing ED posts in major cities in a time bound manner. But nothing materialized. Some body doubted if his city was major or not.
In Kochi of Kerala state,about 52 GDS Mail man and 32 Mazdoors are working in RMS.All work for five hours a day officially .But in practice they are working an average of ten hours a day.(Actual figure available with department)
Major chunk of them have a minimum of 25 years of service as GDS MM and Mazdoors.
They are doing all work as done by the Mail Man.
Bags unloaded from MMS,
Opening and facing of mails,
Bundling and closing of bags,
Counting,grouping of bags direction wise
Compare them with mail lists
Loading on trucks and taking to different platforms to exchange with trains.
There may not be path ways from one platform to other
Platform of arrival will be known only later
Light will not be there when they are taking out mails
If some one observe the work of GDS ,the items will be endless.
Some years back ED Mailman were given night coefficient like Mail Man. That is ,their five hour duty in night will be counted as six hour and ten minutes.
Department had first issued order that no ED MM be brought on night duty. But work in RMS is not feasible with out night duty for GDS MM and hence night coefficient.
Since they are named GDS,their duty is restricted to five hours only .So TRCA is given for five hours and mazdoor charge for the one hour.
There is no justification for continuing GDS system in RMS.
Even though this GDS of RMS is outside the terms of referance all GDS (ED) Commissions ,their fate was always dependent on the report of these committees. So they are anxious on the outcome of the present committee and expect some thing fruitful from it.
They were telling me that Commission when reached Kochi gave them a good hearing.
Abolish the GDS system in RMS since most of the RMS offices are situated in district headquarters and big cities.
Earlier also such proposals were mooted but it was aborted on the academic question "What will you do with the 3/8th of the surplus GDS MM?".When GDS of 5 hrs.duty were converted to 8 hr duty MM, this doubt was natural.
GDSMM were given off and leave only at a later stage but no provision was given for leave reserve and off givers .
Night coifficient will also give extra hours to adjust.
Counting the extra work they are doing every day will give sufficient time for conversion of GDS posts to MM posts.
So it is suggested that recommendation may be given to convert all GDS MM and mazdoor positions of five hours or less to mail man posts of eight hours.
All GDS MM thus converted may be given 5/8th of their service for calculating service and increments.
As per the EPFO Rule ,Department was duty bound to open EPF Account for it's employees not covered by GPF.But they had not done so.In the strict sense of rules ,it is punishable. So the new converted employees can have GPF Account and the liability of employer contribution can be deposited in this new account.
I hope that this aspect of GDS in RMS has come to the notice of GDS Commission and it will appear in it's report. This belated intervention is to avoid a micro possibility of a NO.
I will be glad to explain any point raised and any other missed.
Thanking you
AROOR 688534
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