General Secretary's Desk
Dear Comrade,
This time, I feel a long gap in discussing with all of you through this desk which is due to various works and preoccupations. We are in receipt of lot of appreciations about the 'Hand Book 2010', I record my sincere thanks to all those compliments through this letter.
1. HAND BOOK – 2010
A sudden thought as proposed by our beloved President Com. M. Krishnan. We did it with in a span of one week in compilation and one week in proof corrections & printing. There are many items left behind which we will include in the next year book 2011.
First we printed 2000 copies for complimentary to Branch/Divisional Secretaries, Circle Secretaries/ Circle office bearers, & CHQ office bearers, well wishers & officers of the department. Further 2000 copies were printed exclusively for A.P. Circle due to the efforts of Com. R. Sivannarayana, AGS.
Yes it is a record break! Totally 10000 copies were printed and almost all sold or sent within a short span of time. We can't imagine this much of demand. I record my sincere thanks to all Branch/Divisional Secretaries & well wishers in popularizing the Hand Book.
Some representatives told that they are procuring the Hand Books for supply to the newly recruited PAs so that they can understand our history and hard work. Some told that it will be helpful to distribute among the membership at the time of verification of membership.
Anyhow, the CHQ is proud that it has reached a great height and next year book 2011 will be more attractive with more contents.
The Department has convened a meeting of all union representatives on 04.02.10 and discussed about the process of fresh membership verification as per the decisions of Chennai High court. According to the revised procedure, the declarations should be submitted to the divisional head instead of DDOs. Most of the other conditions are same and similar to the previous verifications.
The Declaration form to be submitted by the members is a new one which bears the signature of Director (SR). The submission and verification of membership declarations etc may end in the last week of April 2010 and recovery of subscription as per the revised option will be commenced from the pay of May 2010. Exact dates and procedures will be published in our website as soon as the Department releases the orders for re verification which we expect within a week time. All of you please get ready to gather more support from members than in the past. Please act swiftly.
We have been give sufficient time. But we should rush to approach the members. Meet them and discuss about our commitment, hard work and future planning. Educate them against the Dual Membership. Tell them it is a shame to give declaration to two unions. Enroll more membership during this verification. Shed down all the difference at local level. No operation elimination. That will be viewed very seriously. Remember! The prestige of our organization is on your hands now. I fervently trust that you will enroll maximum membership this time. Yes: you will be honoured in the next All India conference.
The Department has sought subjects for the ensuing JCM Departmental council meeting and the same was submitted to the department on 27.01.2010. The following items have been notified as General and related to our cadre problems
1. Cadre Restructuring for all Non-Gazetted Group B & C cadres:
2. Creation of System Administrators Cadre.
3. Computation of proper norms to existing System Administrators and grant of certain essential amenities.
4. Grant of Officiating Pay with all consequential benefits for staff officiated in HSG-I vacancies:
5. Filling up of Residual Vacancies.
6. Imparting training to non-matriculate Group D employees promoted to Postman / Mail Guard or PA/SA Cadres after 1.1.2006.
7. Irregular mention of PB Slab for certain categories of Staff in the MACP Orders issued by the department
8. Counting of Special Allowance for pay fixation case of PO & RMS Accountants
9. Request for discontinuance of the practice of obtaining fidelity / security bond from the employees handling cash
10. Non-Drawal of HRA to the officiating SPMs working at offices having attached quarters.
11. Protection of pay of defunct scale of PO & RMS Accountants who opted for general line under Directorate letter No. 2-22/88 - PE I dt. 01.12.92.
12. Enhancement of Savings Bank incentive to Postal Assistants working in Savings Bank branches.
13. Payment of honorarium/incentive for drawal of arrears on implementation of Sixth CPC and GDS Committee.
14. Stepping up of pay of senior officials on par with juniors in case of anomaly arising out of fixation of pay on placement to TBOP/BCR Scales Clarification.
15. Revision of Cash Allowance to the SPMs handling cash in the absence of treasurer.
16. Anomaly in fixation of Pay in respect of the officials promoted on 01.01.96 under BCR Scheme.
17. Review of Short Duty Staff Scheme introduced w.e.f 14.08.2008- reg.
18. Request to drop the Confirmation Examination – reg.
19. Enhancing the limit of cash to be remitted through leather cash bags (LCB) & Special messengers.
20. Arbitrary and forcible allotment of Staff Quarters.
21. Non-posting of Women Employees where basic amenities are not available.
22. Upward revision of Conveyance Allowance to PRI (P)
23. Non-Supply of Statement of Balance to the officials brought under New Pension scheme 2004.
24. Conveyance of cash with police escort- Problems there on.
25. Discontinuance of Medical facilities availed from Ispat General Hospital (IGH) Rourkela in Orissa Circle.
26. Fixing work norms to RPLI work at BOs/SOs - Request immediate orders.
27. Fixing of Uniform rate of incentive for computerized work in POs.
28. Officiating arrangement in Group B Posts earmarked for General line.
29. Introduction of new system of bag numbering.
30. Non grant of Special Allowance to unqualified Accountants.
31. Incentive scheme for the Post offices retailing Mutual Funds and Bonds along with funds for marketing & publicity and suggested strategies.
32. Ensuring the standard of residential accommodation to the SPMs provided with attached Quarters.
33. Enhancement of Financial powers of HSG I, HSG II & LSG Postmasters.
34. Budgetary allotment for Computer Advance.
35. Fixing Norms/ Time Factors to Postal Stores Depot; Circle Stamp Depot & creation of establishment.
36. More bonus in respect of PLI policies to the Departmental employees.
37. Payment of Special Allowance to the staff working on MPCMs.
38. Grant of Tribal Area Allowance to the employees serving in Tribal area of Igadpuri and other places of Nasik District.
39. Grant of Financial Assistance & relaxation of rules in granting Special disability leave to victims of terrorist / bomb blasts.
40. Grant of Road Mileage Allowance to the staff entrusted with the work of Clearance of cheques.
41. Unilateral decision to close down Foreign Post offices
42. Stop harassing staff on contributory factors for simple and flimsy reasons by misusing the provision of 'unbecoming of Government Servant' deviating the ruling contained in Volume III, FHB etc.
43. Recovery of alleged overpayment of pay and allowances to postman on account of fixation from the officials of Accounts branches of HPOs
44. Enhancement of honorarium to RD premature closures
45. Counting of Special Allowance for pay fixation – case of PO and RMS Accountants
46. Drawal of pay to senior BCR officials in HSG I posts as the pay scales of HSG II & BCR is one and the same & settlement of earlier officiating cases of Tamilnadu, West Bengal & other circles as one time measure
47. Tenure posting of officials in Single & Double Handed post offices – request to withdraw the conditions
48. Enhancement of honorarium for engaging the officials in departmental examinations
49. Restriction in posting of SPM due to minor penalties / CR entries
50. Allowing to appear in the Departmental Exam like IPOs – case of physically handicapped officials
51. Fixed Conveyance Allowance to Marketing Executives
52. Revision of FSC
53. Enhancement of Split Duty Allowance
54. Transfer of all HSG I Posts to General line
55. Denial of ROHSC claim for emergent treatment due to non circulation of Health Ministry OMS
56. Payment of honorarium to supervisors & Staff of Divisional offices for processing of PLI and RPLI proposals.
The meeting is expected to be convened in the month of March 2010.
The Postal JCA met on 03.02.2010 and took the decision to hold a massive protest demonstration before parliament during the budget session on 02.03.2010 and also at Divisional level and also to write letter to Hon'ble MOC & IT, MOSC & IT, Cabinet Secretary, DOPT Secretary and also the Secretary (P) on the following serious issues emerged now.
1. Down gradation of GDS SOs in to BOs; unilateral introductions of Cash handling work norms for BPMs, Denial of Prorata wages, Disparity in PLB to GDS, non revival of GDS Committee etc.
2. Non revision of wages to full time & part time contingent employees & GDS substitutes.
3. Violation of status Quo agreement on RMS & MMS and transferring HSG I posts to ASRMS in RMS.
4. Unilateral implementation of Postmaster; cadre without considering cadre review proposals.
5. General attitude in ignoring the staff side before taking any important decision affecting the interest of Postal itself.
The JCA Circular is exhibited in our website. Please take a print out and also forward the copy of letters addressed to Hon'ble MOC & IT through speed post on 02.03.2010 after holding demonstration in your branch/division.
The DOP has unilaterally caused orders for the creation of Postmasters cadre vides its order no. 13-2/2010-PE-I dated 03.02.2010 without considering our entire Proposal of cadre restructuring. 2097 LSG Postmasters, 511 HSG II Postmasters and 495 HSG I postmasters posts are to be identified as Postmaster Grade I, II & III respectively. 116 PSS Group B Senior Postmasters posts have also have been brought under this cadre.
The procedures for filling up the posts have not been spelt out in this order. These posts may be filled up with the present officials as one time absorption from LSG, HSG II & HSG I officials as one time absorption from LSG, HSG II & HSG I officials and thereafter vacancies will be filled up only through competitive examination among Postal Assts. The full text of the order has been published in the web site.
The opinions/suggestions/future courses of action are invited from the branch/divisional/Circle Secretaries to evolve a correct position over its implementation and other cadre restructuring.
The anomaly committee meeting was held on 05.02.2010 at Directorate. The following are the outcome of discussion
1. Placement of TBOP/BCR PA/SA at lower level in comparison to same cadre in Telecom: The stand of the Official Side is that this is not an anomaly of 6th CPC. However it was agreed by the Chairman that the issue would be re-examined independently out of the anomaly committee.
2. Denial of Higher Pay Scale and also denial of special allowance of PO&RMS Accountants for fixation of pay on promotion: The Official Side took the position that this is also not an anomaly of the 6th CPC but agreed to examine the issue for making a favourable reference to the Nodal Ministry.
3. Anomaly of omission of grant of PB2 to Postal Machine Assistants renamed as Technical Postal Assistants: The Official Side agreed to have a re-check with all aspects raised by the Staff Side.
4. Head Mailman - Disturbance of relativity with Postman/Mailguard following 5th CPC: The Official Side took the same position that this is not an anomaly of 6th CPC. After discussion in which the decision of the Departmental Council JCM in the year 1978 was pointed out, the Chairman stated that only the willing seniors at BCR Group D level with pay on par with Postman/Mailguard will be posted against Head Mailman post.
5. Chargehand - Placement of Chargehand in PB-2 rather than its merger with Artisan Grade I: Chairman agreed the justification of this Anomaly and stated the Department has taken up this issue with the DOPT for settlement.
6. Artisan Grade I - Common cadre including Railways and Defence - Parity from 01.01.1996: The Official Side pointed out that the anomaly existed after 5th CPC has been set right by the 6th CPC. Therefore there is no anomaly arising after 6TH CPC. However on the question of parity with Railways and Defence would be re-examined.
7. Data Entry Operators - Lower placement than other Central Government Departments: The creation of DEO Posts by matching savings on direction from Directorate in Chennai DAP and the denial of 4000-6000 pay to these employees has been elaborately discussed. The Official Side contended that this cannot be taken as a 6th pay commission anomaly since the cadre of DEO has not been created in DoP so far. The Official Side admitted that follow up measurers should have been taken at that time itself for creating Recruitment Rules etc. However it is agreed that the issue would be addressed by creating the said DEO cadre with appropriate Recruitment Rules.
8. Cash Handling Allowance to PO & RMS Treasurer - allowing allowance at par with Cashiers in administrative offices: Once again the official side did not agree this as an anomaly of the 6th CPC. After much discussion it was suggested by the Official Side that we may have to make out a strong case in this matter and requested the staff side to provide such vital points in justification which will be examined by Official Side and taken up.
9. Sorters in DAP - Relativity disturbance from 5th CPC compared to Postman cadre: On explaining that the Sorter Cadre which was a promotional cadre to Group D is now placed in the same level with Group D, the Official Side suggested that this has to be set right through cadre restructuring. We pointed out that a recommendation to merge sorters with LDC is not been implemented. It was agreed to proceed in this issue along with cadre restructuring.
10. Grant of Supervisory Allowance to LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I supervisors - Non grant of graded supervisory allowance: The Official Side pointed out that this is not an anomaly of 6th CPC.
11. Anomaly in connection with revision of pay scale of BCR Group D (multi skilled Group C) - Non grant of PB-1 with Grade Pay of Rs.1900: Staff Side pointed out the non-fixing of 1900 Grade Pay from 1.1.2006 for the BCR Group D who were in pre-revised scale of 3050. The Official Side agreed to our view and agreed to set right the anomaly. Further the dept agreed to issue necessary orders to the erstwhile Group Ds who become Postman or PA after 1.1.2006 to upgrade their pay entitlement to MSE.
12. Supervisory allowance for Head Postman/Overseer Postman: Not an anomaly and this has to be taken up separately.
13. TA/DA to Mail Overseer: Not an anomaly and this has to be taken up separately
14. Higher pay scale to PA/SA Supervisory Posts: After discussion the Official Side agreed to send a reference for grant of Grade Pay 4200/- in PB-2 for LSG Supervisors.
15. Anomaly in fixation of Stenographers: The Official Side stated that the anomaly of Stenographers has been sorted out after the orders of Government to grant 4600/- Grade Pay to Private Secretaries. We pointed out that the anomaly of Grade II and Grade I remaining in same grade pay of 4200/- still remains. The Official Side has taken the position that since this is a common cadre and has to be taken up at higher level.
16. Grant of Pay Scale to drivers equal to Postal Assistant (reference in accordance with judgment of High Court of Madras): The official side pointed out that this is an issue pertaining to common cadre. Staff side pointed out the differences between MMS Drivers and Government staff Car Drivers in the nature of duties and that Drivers are exchanging mails also. Finally the official side agreed to refer the issue to nodal ministry for enhancing the Drivers Scale on par with Postman to pre-revised 3200 scale.
17. Lab Attendant: Official Side told a reference has already been made to nodal ministry in this regard.
18. Medical Store Keepers: Already issued.
19. Nurses: Already issued.
7. D.A. RISE
The Statistic department, Government of India has announced the consumer price Index for December 2009 as 169 and accordingly, the D.A. hike will be 8% from 01.01.2010. The revised D.A w.e.f 01.01.2010 will be 35%. This will be approved and given effect during March.
The Health Ministry & Family welfare is undertaking a survey to ascertain as to how many of the exiting employees and existing pensioners are willing to switch over from the present CGHS or medical reimbursement system to Health insurance scheme. The survey is intended for fair assessment of determining the problem premium etc. This insurance scheme will be compulsory for the future recruitees and fee existing employees on becoming pensioner. Insurance coverage will be up to 5 lakhs per family per year. The last date for the survey fixed as 15.02.2010.
v National council JCM meeting scheduled on 16.01.2010 has been postponed the next date has not been finalised.
v NREGS revised incentive has been circulated by the DOP according to individual transactions vide letter No. 01-14/2009 – RB dated 18.1.2010. The full text of the orders will be published in the next Bhartiya Post. The revision is due to our continuous & repeated pressures.
v Systems Administrators are now handling 57 applications of software at present are well versed with its handling. But still awaiting for their recognition!
v The deficit of Department of Posts for the last three years is as follows: -
2006-07: Rs. 1249.52 crores. 2007-08: Rs. 1511.44 crores 2008-09: Rs. 3593-09 crores.
The estimated deficit for the current year is Rs.5632.42 crores.
v The DOPT vide its OM No. 36038/2/2008-Estt (Res) dt. 15.01.2010 has ordered to launch a special recruitment drive to fill up the back log reserved vacancies of persons with disabilities as on 15.11.2009 forthwith.
v We are demanding to consider and identical enhancement of Grade pay to BCR/HSG II from 4200 to 4600/- and HSG I from 4600/- to 4800/- to protect the horizontal and vertical relatives between General & IPO line.
v The Department notified Group B examination to be held on 3, 4 & 5 May 2010. Vacancies in General line are OC: 25, SC: 6, ST: 2 For IP line OC: 21, SC:3, ST: 2.
v The Department circulated revised norms for postmen vide its letter No. 9-1/2005-W.S.I/PE I. dt. 05.02.10. The norms for delivery of unregistered mail have been reduced from 0.75 mts. to 0.72 mts. For delivery of Speed Post 2 mts. time factor has been provided. The norms distance traversed has been revised. 20 mts. time factor was provided for returns work. The orders will be published in website.
v The Department vides its letter no. 37-36/2004-SPB-1/2 dt. 20.01.10. has notified the relative merit points and procedure for selection for compassionate appointment. 100 points scale has been prescribed. The order is published in the website & Bhartiya Post.
The CHQ has notified the conduct of its CWC meeting at Ajmer from 26.03.2010 to 27.03.2010 to discuss various developments taken place in the recent days to chalk out future programme.
1. Please furnish the following details and send by next post and assist the CHQ in updating the information's available in the CHQ.
i. Name of the Divisional Secretary, Mobile Phone No, Office no. & residential numbers and his present address (office & Home)
ii. Date of Last conference and the office bearer's list if not sent already.
iii. If the divisional Secretaries are having email address, Please furnish the same for communicating any urgent news.
iv. The above particulars of Circle office bearers & Circle Secretaries may please also be sent to create records for them.
v. If any website is created and exhibited news at Division/Circle, the blog address may be furnished.
Shall I seek your response within a fort night?
With fraternal greetings,
Comradely yours,
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
1 comment:
It is understood thta the deficit last year was 3593 crores.On an analysis it is felt that this became imminentdue to total mis-management
Eg: 1. While poor aspirants of plus two degree courses are requires to pay Rs.6/- on thier printed interview cards, subsidised Postcards and ILCs are misused by MNCs to boost thier business.
2. Philately items in excess (more than ten times)like first day covers and brochures are printed and supplied to to Phil Bureax where they are dumped and disposed as waste papers.
3. empty Logistic post vehicles are plying thousands of Kilo Meters incurring huge expenditure with zero revenue.Often expenditure not commensurate with revenue.
4.New motor vehicles procured for mail conveyance are kept idle for years in connection with survival of private contractors.
Only NFPE can interfere in the matter utilising the possibilities of RTI where ever necessary to check these un healthy practices
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