Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi, the 4th February 2010
1. All Heads of Circles
2. Addl. DG APS, West Block III, Wing No.5, R.K.Puram, New Delhi – 110067
3. BD and PLI Directorates
4. Directors, Postal Staff College India, Ghaziabad and PTCs.
Sub: Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Postal Service Group 'B' 2009 to be held on 3rd & 4th May 2010.
I am directed to refer to this office No.A-34012/5/2008-DE dated 31st August, 2009 wherein, the calendar of departmental examinations for the year 2009 was communicated.
2. It has been decided to conduct the PS Group 'B' Examination 2009 as per the schedule given below:-
3rd May 2010 (Monday) | 10:00 A.M. To 01:00 P.M. 02:00 P.M To 05:00 P.M. | Paper – I (With the aid of Books) Paper – II (With the aid of Books) |
4th May 2010 (Tuesday) | 10:00 A.M. To 01:00 P.M. 02:00 P.M. To 05:00 P.M. | Paper – III (With the aid of Books) Paper – IV (Without the aid of Books) |
3. As per the Recruitment Rules of the Postal Service Group 'B' following category of officials are eligible to appear for the examination:
i. Inspectors of Posts with 5 years regular service in the grade as on 01.01.2008
ii. Clerical Line officials working in Post Offices / RMS Offices / Divisional Offices with 5 years regular service in te Lower Selection Grade (LSG) and above as on 01.01.2008.
Note: Postal / Sorting Assistants placed in the TBOP/BCR scales are not entitled to appear for the examination.
4.The syllabus for the examination is enclosed at Annexure-I and the schedule for conducting the PS Group 'B' Examination 2009 is enclosed at Annexure-II. As per the present syllabus, Papers I, II and III are with the aid of books and Paper IV is without the aid of books. The Post & Telegraphs as well as Postal Manuals printed by the Department can be used for reference purpose by the candidates. The Postal Manuals are also available on the website (www.indiapost.gov.in) . The candidates can download the postal manuals prescribed in the syllabus of Annexure 'A' from the indiapost website, if necessary and use the same in the Examination Hall for reference purpose. The candidates will, however, be responsible for ensuring that the hardcopy contains only the downloaded manuals. In so far as the syllabus other than Postal Manuals like FRs & SRs, CCS(CCA)Rules etc; is concerned, approved reference books as available in the market are permitted to be used. The Postal Manuals which are not available on the website or unapproved reference books have been deleted from the present syllabus for this Examination. Photocopies of the Postal Manuals prescribed in the Syllabus are also allowed in the Examination Hall as already indicated in this office letter No.A-34012/4/2007-DE dated 12th February, 2008.
5. It is intimated that the Question Papers in respect of Paper I, II and III for the said Examination will be set within the ambit of the Postal Manuals as available on the Website/approved reference books notified in the enclosed modified syllabus.
6. The category wise break up of vacancies to be filled through the PS Group 'B' Examination 2010 are indicated below:
Examination for | Category –wise break up of vacancies | |||
OC | SC | ST | Total | |
Inspector Posts Line Officials (19%) | 21 | 03 | 02 | 26 |
General Line Officials (6%) | 25 | 06 | 02 | 33 |
Note: The vacancies are Subject to the outcome of the judgements in various CAT Benches and also subject to change if promotions to Junior Time Scale are ordered before one month of the announcement of the result.
7. It is requested to bring the contents of this letter as well as Annexure-I to the notice of all concerned. It is also requested to to prepare the tabulation sheet of all eligible candidates of the said examination on MS Office Excel Worksheet and send the same in a CD/e-mail (…) and signed hard copy also to reach the Postal Directorate positively by 15th April 2010.
Yours faithfully,
(L.Mohan Rao)
Assistant Director General (DE)
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