We brought to the notice of the Member [P] that while in all circles the orders of the DoP has been implemented by relieving the AAO Promotees as per the list placed in the DoT website, the Circle Administration of Tamilnadu is not doing so but seeking clarifications from Directorate. We urged for immediate relief to the AAO Promottes of Tamilnadu Circle.
We also met the DDG PAF and informed our interaction with the Member [P] and also urged for similar action to relieve all the AAO Promotees to maintain uniformity in all circles.
The letter submitted by the NFPE in this regard is available at the bottom of this blog.
We also pointed out through our letter and discussion that in blatant violation of status quo agreed upon by the Department on RMS on 1st December 2009, the General Line HSG-I posts in Mail Offices are being filled up by the ASPOs on the basis of the Minutes of the official side work shop held at Bangalore. We requested that the measure is violative of statutory rules on the subject. This letter also is available at the bottom of this blog.
We raised the issue of down gradation of GDS SOs into GDS BOs that may result in down gradation of the status of the HPOs also in addition to the economic loss to the GDS SPM incumbents despite any protection of pay for the time being. We urged for reconsideration of the stand. The letter in this regard is also placed at the bottom.
The undue delay being caused on grant of revised wages to casual labourers, contingent workers and GDS Substitutes also was raised and we sought the intervention of the Member [P] for immediate stand at the level of the Directorate level itself instead of taking the matter to DOPT which is unnecessary.
We will follow up the issues and as soon as any development is notices the same would be communicated by us.
1. Letter on AAO Promotees of Tamilnadu Circle:
PF-64/2010 Dated 2nd February 2010
Ms.Indira Krishnakumar
Member [P]
Department of Posts
New Delhi
Sub: Relieving AAO Promotees from Tamilnadu Circle to ensure uniformity all over India – reg.
Ref: Directorate Orders No.301(12)2010/PA Admn III/567-633 Dated 28.01.2010
Kindly refer to the DoP Order cited above endorsing the orders of DoT Dated 23/12/2009 and 13/01/2010 on the question of promotion to AAO promotees. Based on the above orders of the Postal Directorate, several Postal Circles have already relieved the AAO Promotees as per the list published in the website of DoT.
Unfortunately, the Circle Administration of Tamilnadu Circle instead of relieving the AAO Promotees and directing them to present themselves before the Controller of Accounts in DoT Circle Offices as was correctly done in other Postal Circles, reportedly delaying the relief in the name of seeking clarifications from Postal Directorate and raising the issue of staff shortage etc.
The issue of staff shortage was already discussed at the highest level of the Department by this Federation wherein the Secretary Department of Posts had categorically informed that shortage is not a problem anymore in the background of winding up of Screening Committee. The delay in relief to the Promotees in Tamilnadu Circle will only delay the three months training to be imparted to them while several of their juniors in other circles might complete the training in advance.
This Federation urges for uniformity in all Circles in implementing the orders of the DoP on this important issue involving promotion to a good number of officials and requests for issue of appropriate instructions to Tamilnadu Circle Administration for causing immediate relief to all those AAO promotees who have submitted their declarations.
An early action in this matter will receive our high appreciation.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Secretary General
2. Letter on HSG-I Mail Offices.
Ms.Indira Krishnakumar
Member [P]
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Violation of Statutory Rules of Promotion and Posting in HSG-I Posts in RMS without proper orders and procedures – regarding.
Ref: Minutes of the Official Side Work Shop conducted by the Department at Bangalore.
This Federation is shocked to find that the Circle Administration in several Circles are going ahead in replacing the HSG-I incumbents earmarked for promotion to General Line Officials in Mail Offices by IPO Line Officials.
We wish to point out that the move has no backing of any statutory provisions of the Department. Unless and until the issue is discussed with the staff side and until the rulings on the subject of promotions to HSG-I to General Line officials exist in its present form, such unilateral posting of IPO line officials against General Line vacancies are unjust and unconstitutional. A new culture is being introduced by such unconstitutional methods in the Department of Posts wherein the Administration is usurping the powers to nullify the provisions of the Statutory Rulings.
We wish to refer to the joint letter given by the NFPE and FNPO Federations on 31.01.2010 expressing the view points on the Action Points mentioned in the minutes of the Bangalore Workshop of Official Side. There are several issues on which the opinion of the Department is retrograde and unilateral.
This Federation protests strongly the action of the Administration in implementing such serious issues in contravention of Departmental Rulings just in the name of a official side work shop. We therefore urge upon you to cause immediate instructions to stall any such unilateral moves and order maintenance e of status quo in the status of the HSG-I Posts in the RMS Wing. An early action in this matter will be appreciated very much by this Federation.
Thanking you,
yours faithfully,
Secretary General
3. On Downgradation of GDS SOs into GDS BOs.
PF-47/2010 Dated 2nd February 2010
Ms.Indira Krishnakumar
Member [P]
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Stopping the Down gradation of GDS SOs into GDS BOs causing chain reactions – regarding.
This Federation is shocked to find that such a sweeping orders has been issued without taking into consideration the staff side viewpoints well in advance before resorting to implementation of such measurers.
The down gradation of GDS SOs will result in down gradation of status of HPOs in several divisions. Down gradation of status of HPOs will lead to enormous staff problems including loss of higher promotional posts for the staff. The measure may also lead to down fall in the TRCA Slabs since the GDS BPMs will hereafter be fixed in 5 Slab TRCA pattern based on the work load that has been tightened by unilateral cash handling norms decided by the Department.
This Federation therefore urges upon you to stop implementation of the above down gradation orders and subject the issue for further discussion with the Staff Side before embarking upon any such retrograde measures.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Secretary General
4. On revised wages to Casual Labourers / Contingent / GDS Substitutes.
Ms.Indira Krishnakumar
Member [P]
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Inordinate delay in issuing orders on revised wages payable to Casual Labourers, Contingent workers and GDS Substitutes – regarding.
This Federation is constrained to bring to your notice that despite clear existing orders on the subject of fixing the wages of the Casual Labourers, Contingent Workers and GDS Substitutes, the Postal Directorate is still unable to issue the orders based on the revised wages after 6th CPC. Even the Dearness Allowance instalments are ignored in calculation of the wages in the background of the orders issued by the Directorate for Temporary Status Casual Labourers in which it was categorically mentioned that the field level units should wait for further orders regarding payment to Casual labourers etc.
This Federation is aware that this situation has arisen only because of the stand taken by the Department to refer the case to DOPT etc without any need since the JS&FA is quite empowered to clear the files on this issue. No new element has come into play for going to the DOPT or MOF Etc on this issue.
The discontentment is running very high among these sections all over the country and therefore your personal intervention is requested to cause instructions for immediate orders on the subject.
We shall appreciate your favourable action.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Secretary General
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