The JCA of A.P. Circle has issued a notice for the indefinite strike from 21.05.08 to the Chief PMG, A.P. Circle on a 22 Point Charter of demands including notional promotion to LSG, filling up of residual vacancies/GDS vacancies, regularisation for casual labourer etc.
The Secretary General NFPE, General Secretary P3 met the Member (P) on 08.04.08 and requested her intervention to sort out the issues amicably for a settlement. The member (P) effectively intervened and directed the Chief PMG to hold talks with Circle Unions. Resultantly, the Chief PMG invited the Circle Secretaries on 16.05.08 and most of the issues were sorted out amicably. There is a good sign of reciprocal understandings. Since, most of the issues are assured to be settled with time frame, the JCA has deferred the indefinite strike.
The minutes of the meeting held on 16.05.08 is reproduced hereunder for the notice of all.
Minutes of the meeting held on 16.05.08 to discuss the issues raised by JCA in connection with its indefinite strike notice w.e.f. 21.05.08, in the light of decisions communicated by the Directorate on the issues.
Official side.
1. Ms. Yesodhara Menon, CPMG
2. Sri. M. Venkateswarlu, DPS (Hq)
3. Ms. Radhika Chakravarthy, DPS (BD)
4. Sri P.M. Saravanan, DDM (PLI)
5. Sri Rama Murthy, ACAO, O/o DA (P)
6. Sri. J. Chinnavadu, AD(P)
7. Ch. Someswara Rao, AD (Accounts & SR)
8. Sri. A. Satyanarayana, AD (Rectt, & Wel)
Staff Side
1. Sri. Nagabhushanam, Secretary. RJCM.
2. Sri. K. Ramachandram,CS, AIPAEU, Gr. C & D.
3. Sri. T. Satyanarayana, CS, AIPAEA, O/o DA(P), Hyd.
4. Sri. D.A.S.V. Prasad, CS, P III & PA, Secunderabad HO.
5. Sri. M. Nagavardhana Rao, CS, R III.
6. Sri Y. Bhoomeshwar, CS R-IV
7. Sri. P. Panduranga Rao, CS AIPEDEU
8. Sri. B. Mohd, Ali, CS NUR III
9. Sri. N. Ramappa, CS NUR IV.
10. Sri K. V. Rao, CS NUPE Gr. C
11. Sri Gulam Rabbani, CS NUPE PM & Gr' C
The CPMG welcomed the gathering and appealed to the union representative that there should not be discussions on issues relating to policy matters as ordered by the Secretary (P).
The AD (Accounts & SR) read out replies from the Directorate communicated through DDG(Estt) letter dated 13.05.2008 on the issues raised by JCA, a copy of which was given to all the representatives of the Service Unions. Then, the CPMG requested for the response from the representatives of the Services Unions, in the light of the Directorate's replies on each issue.
The service union representatives have come up with their point of view and the following discussions have taken place.
1. Immediate withdrawal of opening Franchise Outlets
The Service Unions have said that they are against the scheme of opening of Franchise Outlets. As this is a policy matter, it was decided to communicate the feelings of the Service Unions to the Directorate as requested by them.
2. Immediate filling up of residual vacancies in A.P. Circle
After thorough discussions with the services unions and hearing their views as noted below, the following decision was taken.
a. No particular post has been kept totally vacant because work is always generated against the posts.
b. The process of recruitment had been started well within one year and these are departmental promotional vacancies, which do not attract the provisions of the Screening Committee.
c. The posts were not abolished formally. So the question of revival as per the establishment rules, does not arise. This context is totally different. A reference was made from A.P. Circle only, because the previous CPMG had viewed it other wise. This is not the stand taken by any other Circle. But recruitment was done for promotional vacancies even after one year as ascertained from other Circles also such as Karnataka Circle. There is a genuine grievance about the large number of vacancies, which justifies the stand taken by A.P. Circle in revising the earlier order and going ahead with the recruitment process for promotional vacancies. This view has been endorsed orally many a time by Member (P), the then DDG (P), Present DDG(P) and also recorded in the file by DPS (HCR). This was also the view of the Secretary(P) when this matter was discussed on 14.05.08 at New Delhi by CPMG. Therefore, a decision has been taken to go ahead with the recruitment process, which was already initiated by conducting LGO examinations every year. Later, after the mmeting, DDG(P), Shri Kamlesh called the CPMG and stated that the stand taken by CPMG is his view also and that he may be quoted also in the minutes.
3. Filling up of all Group 'D' Vacancies from 2001 onwards.
The Service Unions have requested to supply year-wise break up of Gr. D vacancies both in Postal and RMS cleared by the Screening Committee and the total number of excess recruitment taken place in the year 2002. CPMG has accepted that the available information may be given.
It was also decided to call for proposals for augmentation in Gr. D cadre from the Regions within 3 months, so as to take up the same with the Directorate.
4. Filling up of all GDS vacancies in RMS Keeping in view the Directorate orders dt. 29.12.2000 and CAT, Hyderabad Judgement.
The JCA requested to forward the representations of the Casual labourers/GDS substitutes addressed to the DG through PMsG concerned.
It was decided to issue instructions to the PMsG to forward the representations to DG without any comments.
5. Immediate release of all pending OTA/TA/MR Bills
The DA (P) was instructed to allot the entire amount of OTA/TA/Medical to the units proportionately without monthly restrictions as ordered by the Directorate.
6. Filling up of All HSG-I and HSG-II and LSG Supervisory posts
It was ordered by the CPMG that DPS(Hqrs) will decide the issues related to notional seniority before 15th June. The DPS(HCR) has informed the service union representative that he will give a date for discussion during next week.
7. Withdrawal of irregular mass charge sheets issued to the officials of DA (P)
The CPMG has categorically mentioned that the aggrieved officials may avail of the opportunities provided in CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965.
Incidentally, the CPMG mentioned about the remarks of Member (P) during her visit to Directorate on 14.05.08 that the Union had complained to her that CPMG, AP Circle was not giving them meetings. When this was mentioned, the service union representatives denied this vehemently and stated that they have absolutely no complaint against the Chief PMG regarding not granting interviews.
It is brought to the notice of CPMG by the union representatives that there is harassment of staff in some quarters in the Circle to achieve BD/PLI targets. The CPMG has assured that the PMsG will be instructed through a DO letter.
NREGS - A committee will be constituted by PMG(BD) consisting of two officers and two representatives of service unions and it will visit NREGS centres to identify the problems including payment of honorarium to the officials and settle the issues.
Payment of honorarium to MMS drivers working in long distance schedules on par with RMS staff. The CPMG has ordered that the DPS(Hq) will decide the quantum of honorarium.
This is in continuation of the minutes dated 11.04.2008. All Regional PMsG will take action as per decision in these two meetings.
At the end of the meeting, the CPMG reiterated that the Secretary appealed not to go on strike not only in the interest of the employees, but also in the interest of the Department.
The CHQ appreciates the timely action of the Postal JCA of AP Circle and particularly the Circle Secretary Com. D. A. S. V. Prasad. The A. P. agitation shows ways to all other circles to settle their issues also on the similar line & discussions.
Kudos to Com. Prasadgaru and his team.
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
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