A/2/95 Rajouri Garden
New Delhi. 110 027
Phone: 011 2510 5324
No.D.11/06 /08 Dated: 17.05.08
Dear Comrades,
Gist of discussion at the meeting
With the Cabinet Secretary.
The entire staff side of the Standing Committee met today the Cabinet Secretary as intimated to you earlier. All members of the Committee of Secretaries were present. The Confederation was represented by Com. S.K.Vyas, President, and Com. K.K.N. Kutty. Secretary General. The Cabinet Secretary informed the staff side that he has been briefed by the Secretary Personnel of the discussions at the Standing Committee meeting held on 7th May, 2008 and he has personally gone through the minutes. He also informed the members that the Govt. would like to take a decision on the recommendations of the Pay Commission as quickly as possible. He also assured that some mechanism would be worked out to look into various anomalies expeditiously and to a reach finality thereon within a stipulated time frame. In the discussion that ensued thereafter the following issues were reiterated with emphasis
(a) the exclusion of DA on DP (i.e. 12%) in the construction of Pay bands and consequently in the fixation benefit
(b) The very construction of Pay Band itself contrary to the recommendation of the 6th CPC itself.
(c) The defect in the computation of minimum wage with special reference to the price differential of WSP and retail price and the exclusion of 25% and 10% meant for various expenses; social obligation; old age social security; housing etc.. The fact that had the minimum wage been computed with reference to 5th CPC formulation it would have been far greater than Rs. 5740. ie. It would have been Rs.7400.
(d) The discrimination in the fitment benefit between the officers and employees ranging from 181% to 15% and the need to accept the suggestion of the Staff Side for a minimum benefit of 2.625 times of basic pay in the fitment formula.
(e) The necessity of affording a minimum benefit of 10% on promotion in the background of the fact that the recommended benefit of 2.5% would be too low and would even result in the reduction of take home salary on promotion, especially in the case of person who are perforce transferred out on promotion.
(f) Parity in pension of pre-1996 and post 1996 retirees; discrimination in the grant of family pension; minimum pension and revision in exgratia to SRPF/CPF retirees.
2. The representatives of the Railways and Defence Federations also pointed out the discriminatory treatment meted out to the Master Craftsman and Technicians in their organizations by the 6th CPC and demanded redressal thereof immediately.
3. At the end of the discussion, the staff side placed the need for coming to an agreement before the Govt. issues notification in implementation of the VI CPC recommendations.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
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