A/2/95 Rajouri Garden
New Delhi. 110 027
Phone: 011 2510 5324
No.D.11/07 /08 Dated: 19.05.08
Dear Comrade,
National Convention of Trade Unions
13th May, 2008.
The declaration adopted at the National Convention of Trade Unions on 13th May, 2008 at New Delhi has called upon the workers to organize a day's strike on 20th August, 2008 and have drawn up the following charter of demands. The Confederation was represented at the Convention by Com. S.K Vyas, Presdident; Com. Brighu Bhattacharya and Com. Giriraj Singh. Com.Vyas who intervened in the discussion at the Convention urged the Sponsoring Committee to include the demand in the charter. He was assured of its in corperation. Following are the demands adopted at the connection "for the withdrawal of the new contributory to pension Scheme".
1. Take urgent steps to contain price rise through (a) universalizing the public distribution system throughout the country to cater all essential commodities at controlled price through PDS(b) ban on futures and forward trading in al essential commodities (c) reduction of tax in petrol and diesel (d) stringent action against hoarding and black marketing;
2. strict implementation of al labour laws particularly in respect of minimum wages, working hours, social security and safety and stringent action against al cases of violations, stop contractorisation and outsourcing.
3. Scope of the unorganized sector workers social security bill pending in Parliament should be expanded to cover al unorganized sector workers irrespective of BPL or APL category to ensure a national minimum social security benefit for them as per unanimous recommendation of the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector (NCEUS) and the Parliamentary Committee on Labour with Central Govt. funding.
4. Farmers Loan waiver scheme to be extended to loans from private money lenders; nationalized banks to extend easy credit to peasants at lower interest rates
5. Lift ban on recruitment in Govt. services; remove the negative and discriminatory features in the recommendation of 6th Pay Commission and finalise the same for implementation in consultation with the employees organizations, expedite reguarlisation and grant of pension to gramin dak sevaks.
6. Expedite wage negotiation for the employees of Central PSUs including contract workers without any conditionalities.
Besides calling upon to organize organizing a day's strike, the Convention has also decided upon the following programs:
(a) Joint Conventions at States/districts/industrial centres to be completed by 15th July, 2008;
(b) Massive demonstration/mobilization/dharna in all States and Industrial centres on 30th July, 2008
(c) Serving strike notice through demonstration on 4th August, 2008
The course of negotiation on 6th CPC
Related issues.
We had placed the gist of the discussions the staff side had with the Cabinet Secretary on Pay commission related issues on 7th in the website. Hope you must have gone through the same. We are in fact disappointed over the course of the discussion at the meeting. There had been no emphasis on core issues like minimum wage, fitment formula, construction of pay bands, benefit on promotion, allowances etc. when the issues were presented , eventhough the Confederation representatives strived to seek attention on these issues. We felt that the available time ought to have been used to present these core issues, which has a universal appeal for all sections of the Central Govt. employees irrespective of the organizations in which they are working. Quite an amount of time at the meeting was spent on for projecting certain department specific anomalies. This approach made the core issues out of focus. We had been able to present forcefully the discontent and agitation in the minds of the mass of the employees over the wide level of disparity in benefit, instituted sans any logic or principle by the 6th CPC during our discussion with the Secretary, Personnel on 7th May,2008. Our programmatic approach. Which culminated in massure mobilization of employees on 16th, a day prior to the date of discussion must have created the impact, required for a serious negotiation. But the frequent shuffling of serious and sectional issues create a confused image of the theme and purport. We write this only to convey to you of the emerging situation.
We also feel that many of our affiliates are grappled with the fervour of choosing the department specific anomalies over the common issues to bring it to the centre stage of discussions at the respective organizational fora. While we are in full agreement that we should not allow the department related anomalies and relativities to linger on as happened on the last occasion, it cannot and should not gain primacy over the basic issues. We are of the view that a minimum wage less than Rs. 7400 will bring about a reduced pay packet within the next 5 years itself, a conponding impact of the suppressed Pay Bands and the non availability of the merger of DA benefit in future. No correction will also be possible in near future, as no time limit is prescribed for the next wage revision. as no DA merger or time bound pay revision is recommended by this Commission. Since there is acute disappointment and discontent over the fitment benefit even in the case of those who are placed in PB 3 it would not be difficult to make the Govt. to come round to serious negotiation, if issues are properly presented, articulated and backed up with industrial action.
The National Executive of the Confederation in its last meeting has authorized the Secretariat to chalk out such programmes of action as is required to create necessary sanctions for a meaningful discussion and negotiation. To decide upon the next course of action, the Secretariat will meet on 27th May, 2008 at New Delhi. The next programme should commence by Mid June, 2008 as the Committee of Secretaries is likely to give its recommendation to the Government by the end of June, 2008.
Remittance of Subscription
Current and arrears
Despite promises made on various occasions, the affiliates have not cleared the arrears of subscription due to the Confederation. We have sent details of the dues to each affiliated organization as decided upon at the last National Executive Committee. It is regretted that many have chosen to ignore the plea for remittance. Without the remittance coming in, it is difficult to manage the functioning of the CHQ. We once again request that the dues may kindly be cleared without further loss of time.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.
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