Sub: - Problems of Systems Administrators - reg.
The suggestions for finalising a uniform guidelines for role & responsibilities, working condition and also the other problems relating to the Systems Administrators are furnished hereunder for your kind consideration and favourable orders.
Role & Responsibilities
There is no uniform guidelines issued so far on the role and responsibilities of the System Managers/Administrators. Each circle has prescribed the duties on its which are and contradicting with each others.
Infact, proper & standard norms may please be fixed taking in to consideration of the following points.
(i) The geographical spread out of the division.
(ii) The number of computerised Head and sub offices.
(iii) The status and strength of the Sub offices concerned.
The Principle Chief PMG, Tamilnadu Circle has prescribed the duties and responsibilities vide its letter no. Tech/16-1/04-05 dt 07.05.07 which, we feel better and suggest the same for the uniform application for all circles. The following are the guidelines contained in the letter cited above.
1. The System Managers should have adequate working knowledge in the Operating Software, Networking and all the Departmental Softwares. He should be able to clarify the doubts of the operators working therewith.
2. The system Managers should not be attached to any particular branch.
(i) Duties and Responsibilities of the System Managers at Divisional Offices:
Ø Daily monitoring of the functioning of systems and peripherals at the Post Offices and Divisional Office.
Ø Periodical checking and assessment of quality of servicing and repairs carried out by the vendors/AMC providers.
Ø To Check the availability of AMC for Systems/UPS and to make arrangements well in advances for entering into AMC.
Ø Daily monitoring of the functioning of all the new softwares, e.g. RTI, e-Payment, iMO, e-Commerce etc.
Ø Stock Register for all the systems and peripheral of the Divisions should be maintained.
Ø Proposals with full justifications and quotations should be submitted for purchase of new systems/peripherals/computer spares as and when required.
Ø Entering into AMC/Renewal of AMC should be intimated promptly.
(ii) Duties and Responsibilities of the System Managers at totally Computerized Post offices:
Ø Monitoring of the Systems and Peripherals at the Post Office.
Ø Ensuring prompt functioning of Server.
Ø Daily monitoring of the functioning of e-Post and to ensure that no message is kept unprinted in the Office.
Ø Daily monitoring of the functioning of all the new softwares, e.g. RTI, e-Payment, iMo, e-Commerce etc.
Ø To keep one backup server ready for emergency.
Ø Maintenance of Stock register for all the Systems and Peripherals.
Ø Quality of servicing and repairs carried out by the vendors/AMC providers should be monitored.
Ø Daily backup of Data should be taken and kept in a system other than server.
Ø Weekly backup of Data should be taken in CD media. One copy is to be sent to Divisional Office and other copy to the Post Office which is identified by the Divisional head. If the totally computerized Post Office is functioning in the same building where Divisional Office is functioning, the CD should be sent to the other identified Post Office.
(iii) Working Condition of Systems Manager:
In case of any breakdown due to hardware/software problem, the System Manager should attend the same immediately without any delay. Any software problem which he is unable to rectify should be brought into the notice of Regional Office through e-mail and phone. Any unusual occurrence in respect of hardware/software should also be reported to Regional Office invariably.
Details of System Managers attached to the Divisional Offices and Head Post Offices may be intimated to Regional Office and that of Regional Office to the Circle Office.
All these guidelines are Inclusive and Not Exhaustive in nature.
In additions to the above instructions, the following may also be considered for the inclusion in the role and responsibilities of the Systems Administrators.
1. Administrator passwords of Network operating system ec. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 should be retained by the Systems Managers. A duplicate copy of the passwords may be kept by the divisional heads. Any change in the passwords on periodical basis should be informed to the divisional head. Many security threats and risks (Eg. Viruses, unauthorized access, data stealing etc.) can be avoided only by setting proper permission and security policies for the Computer Network,. Further regular maintenance of the server including task like Disk defragmentation, clearing Event logs, clearing free memory in the Server can be done only with the administrator login. Hence retaining of Administrator password is very essential for the System Manager. Performing the above mentioned task requires adequate knowledge in Microsoft Operating Systems. Hence only the System Managers are the qualified persons to perform this task and not the divisional heads.
2. When the Administrator Passwords of the Network operating system is retained by the System Managers it is quite natural that the SQL Server administrator passwords also be in the custody of the System Managers. The same procedure mentioned in the above point may be followed for this also.
3. Installation of departmental software is also the responsibility of System Manager.
Other Demands
The following are the few other demands for the better service conditions of the System Administrators.
1. Since the Systems Administrators has to attend any fault then & there through out the division, they may be granted with Road mileage Allowance with out any ceiling and also under relaxation of normal TA rules,
2. Mobile phone may be supplied to all Systems Administrators for contacts with minimum talk value of Rs.500/- per month.
3. Working hours should be fixed or atleast they may treated as out door staff like PRI (P) without insisting of attendance. They may submit weekly diaries.
4. Additional remuneration in the shape of OTA Incentive may be granted for excess work or for retention in the office beyond their office duty hours.
5. As per recent orders, the authority of SQL password was fixed as divisional Head which causes hindherence to the immediate solution of technical problems arising in different offices. This power should be conferred to respective PMs/SPMs after imparting proper training for the interest of service.
6. A panel list of the existing Systems Administrators may be allowed to continue for posting as Systems Administrators except in the following circumstances.
(i) If any disciplinary proceedings is initiated against the official working as System Administrator.
(ii) Expressed unwillingness to work as System Administrator
(iii) Vacancy arises owing to promotion or other instances.
7. The Systems Managers are being deputed to impart training to all officials on System. Trainers allowance may be granted to those officials imparting computer Training to other officials.
8. They should be provided with kit bag containing Nut driver set, CD bag, Pen drive, Handy vacuum cleaner etc.
9. Priority may be given in granting Motor Cycle Advance to this cadre treating them at par with outdoor emergent staff.
10. Instructions may be issued to all Postmasters to provide a seat at server to the Systems Administrators.
It is requested to consider all the above items and cause necessary orders at the earliest. It is further requested to convene a formal meeting to discuss these items and cause immediate settlement.
Any improvement in above demands is required, please send details to CHQ.
with greetings,
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
Thank You Sir Once again
Chennai city North
Since the Systems Administrators has to attend any fault related to hardware/software then & there through out the division,sometimes they have to correct electrical power lines fault related to server/computers and unavoidable tours through out the division in any weather conditions these type of jobs seems hazardous in some conditions,They have to given insurance facilities by the department other than CGEGIS.
It is quite disheartening and astonishing to see and feel the present position of System Assistants in West Bengal Circle. I specially mention our circle (W.B.Circle) because it is the only circle in India where the designation "System Administrator / System Manager" has been notched down to System Assistant. Actually some people here does not want to address us as “SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR” the right what we actually due. I don’t understand why some sections of the people of our department are hesitated to tell us System Administrator instead of System Assistant. Are we at the mercy of the so-called section of people?
"The CHQ after detailed discussions has formulated the demands of the Systems Administrators and sent to Directorate on 15.05.07. The same is reproduced below for the notice of all."
I think the date will be 15.05.08 instead of 15.05.2007. May I know the correct date ? Kindly mail me at
Thank you for your demands and also thanks for your kind presence in the meeting at Barrackpore
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