Ref: P/4-1/Staff Dated - 21.05.2008
Ms. Radhika Doraisamy,
Member (P)
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Sub: - Long Pending Problems - Request immediate settlement.
A kind attention is invited to the reference we made earlier on the following issues and discussions.
1. Irregularities in the grant of notional promotions in Orissa Circle
After the issue of directions from your office to expedite convening DPC for HSG II promotions, the Chief PMG, Orissa Circle is processing DPC for HSG II instead of set right the irregularities in the notional promotions.
Member (P) has assured in the last fortnight to depute ADG (SPN) to Orissa Circle to verify and the set aside the irregularities.
It is requested to expedite action and arrange settlement.
2. Non filling of 2/3rd vacancies from general category while granting notional promotion from 0.01.02 to 18.05.06.
The process of notional LSG promotion has been stopped up to 04.01.02 in case of many circles and the unfilled up vacancies after Jan '2002 to May '06 have been taken as current vacancies. Notional promotion process has not been exercised. There are several 2/3rd vacancies unfilled up and if the notional promotion is accorded to all the vacancies up to 18.05.06, there may be many eligible LSG officials for HSG II promotion. This will solve the present problem of non availability of eligible officials for HSG II promotion. It is requested for favourable consideration.
3. Considering the Date of promotion in LSG for seniority instead of the Date of joining
In many circles (eg) Tamilnadu, the LSG promotions were accorded on regular basis against the vacancies and stated that the promotions of the officials will take effect from the date on which the officials actually join the post of LSG. Some officials, who had been posted in the same office or nearby assumed charge immediately. Whereas many who are awaiting for relief etc could join only at a later date. This has resulted many to loose their seniority in LSG causing postponement of their HSG II promotion.
It is therefore requested to consider and cause orders to decide the date of issue of promotion orders and its seniority will be taken in to account for determination of LSG seniority and for further promotion.
4. Officiating Pay to Senior BCRs in HSG I
The pay scale of HSG II & BCR is one and the same. After the modification on FR 22 on 30.08.99, any official holding/ drawing the pay of HSG II on regular basis even for a single day can very well avail the benefits of HSG I as these promotions are in the same general line. However, the officiating pay for the officiation in HSG I posts by the BCR officials have been denied in many circles. it is requested to consider and cause orders favourably.
5. Drawal of officiating pay to senior BCR officials for their officiation in HSG I Post during 2002-05
In some circles like Tamilnadu, West Bengal, in the absence of clear orders, some BCR officials about 87 have been allowed to officiate in HSG I posts for more than one year in between 2002-05. The Principle Chief PMG, Tamilnadu Circle has already referred the matter to the Directorate requesting orders to regularise the arrangement beyond one year as one time measure. The due officiating pay in HSG I had neither drawn nor taken for pensionary benefits.
It is requested to kindly consider the same and accord orders early.
6. Filling up the post of APM Accounts LSG & HSG.II posts
In almost all the circles, the notional promotion to APM (LSG) Accounts cadre since 1986 has not been granted to the PO and RMS Accounts qualified officials based on the gradation list prepared with the date of qualifying in the PO & RMS Accountants Examination.
In some circles, the FTP qualified officials possessing accounts qualifications were considered for the APM Accounts post. They are of the considered opinion that there is no discrimination between General and Accounts line and Accounts line lost its identity.
The CAT Chennai in its OA No. 201/2006 in the case of Shri P. Ramadoss vs. The Principal Chief PMG, Tamil Nadu Circle held the separate identity of APM Accounts cadre and directed to conduct the DPC for Accounts line without any procastination based on the Recruitment Rules dated 13-09-76 and issue necessary promotion orders to the eligible PO and RMS Accounts line officials within a period of four weeks.
It is constrained say that in some circles, the circle administrations resorted cancellation of LSG promotions accorded to the APM Accounts causing serious resentment. The senior APM Accounts were denied of their due HSG II and HSG I promotions.
Since there is no amendment has given to the LSG Accountants Rule 1976 and it will be most appropriate to maintain a separate entity of the cadre, it is requested to issue necessary clarificatory orders to all the circles to issue notional and regular promotion to LSG & HSG.II from 1986 onwards to the Accounts line cadre.
7. Revision of FSC
The Fixed Stationery Charges fixed to office / officials does not commensurate with the expenses being incurred for the purpose due to spiral increase of commodities due to inflation.
The present amount does not meet the 1/3rd requirements and the incharges are incurring expenses at their own cost. The fate of the process initiated to revise the same during 2007 April is not known. The delay in revising the amount is causing a concern.
It is requested to consider the same and revise the FSC with retrospective effect.
8. Dispensing confirmation Examination for Postal Assistants
During the discussions on 19.04.07 on Strike Demands, it was assured to dispense the confirmation examination and it will be incorporated in the proposed revised recruitment rules for the Postal Assistant. Thereafter we do not know the progress of the assurance and the information about incorporating the same in the recruitment rules.
9. Fixing incentive for the Excess Work
During discussions on 19.04.07 with the Secretary on Strike Demands it was stated that an internal committee will be appointed to fix uniform incentives for the new business activities like RPLI, western Union Money order, processing of Pass port applications, verifications of addresses for cell phones, NREGIS etc. It is requested to expedite and arrange orders early.
10. Engaging Retired Postal employees to manage shortage of staff
A kind attention is invited to the discussions held on 19.04.07 & 28.09.07 with Secretary and it was assured to formulate a new scheme of engaging retired postal employees to manage the shortage of staff with fixed remunerations.
It is requested to expedite action and cause orders at the earliest.
We shall be obliged if you will cause immediate action on the above issues for their expeditious settlement and causing relief to the toiling Group C employees.
May I request your response Madam,
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
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