Ref: P/4-1/Staff Dated- 19.05.2008
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Sub: - Irregular rotation of AD (Rect) of four metropolition cities in other sensitive higher pay posts.
There are four posts of Asst. Director (Recruitment) created in the Pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500 in order to provide Group B promotional avenues to Administrative & RMS staff in four metro cities. They have not been equated with the Supdt. of POs/RMS so far. The selections were made merely by Seniority Cum Fitness and not writing by any departmental examination.
As such, if one completes tenure, he should be rotated to any one of the four AD posts available in four metro cities or granted with immunity from transfer and remain as AD (Rectt) in the same sation.
It is brought to our notice that some of these officer have been rotated with in the Circle Office in some sensitive posts in the stature of Gazetted Group 'B' in the scale of pay & Rs. 7500 - 12000. This is irregular.
It is requested to clarify the position and if any deviation is made in any circle, the same may please be modified.
Soliciting response,
Yours faithfully,
(K V Sridharan)
1. Submissions on TBOP/LSG - Request to Place under Pay Band 2
The Sixth Pay Commission has caused a great injustice to a major chunk of Group 'C' cadre called as TBOP PA and LSG supervisor who are equated in the same scale of Rs. 4500-7000. The dismay and concern is about the mentioning in their report as if there is no anomaly existing in LSG and HSG II.
The Postal Department has not switched over to ACP promotion as it was having two promotions on completion of 16 years and 26 years under the exercises on matching savings granted in the years 1983 and 1991 by subjecting the staff cut to the extent of 20% supervisory and 6% operative staff.
The similar grant of two promotions were accorded in the Department of Telecom by the erstwhile P&T. However the officials in the basic pay of Rs. 3200 & Rs. 4000 were placed in the pay scale of Rs.5000/- & Rs. 5500/- for TBOP & BCR respectively after the Fifth Pay Commission. In order to sort out the anomaly in the Postal Department, a separate committee headed by Sri. S.C. Dutta then Secretary, Department of Posts has been constituted by the Department. The said committee has recommended the following scales w.e.f. 01.01.96
LSG (TBOP) - Rs. 5500-175-9000.
HSG II (BCR) - Rs. 6500-200-10500.
HSG I - Rs. 7450-225-11500.
The said recommendations were rejected by the Department of Personnel & Training on the plea that "in introduction of any new scale at this juncture is not possible nor justified as it would lead to similar demands from various categories of employees". Since then, the anomaly has not been resolved. In Postal, no decision has also been taken about the implementation of ACP Promotion but later, the TBOP & BCR were unilaterally called as Financial upgradations and the earlier equation with LSG, HSG II has been totally disturbed.
Before Sixth Pay Commission, all these justifications were properly and promptly submitted in our memorandums and also in oral evidences. However, the Sixth Pay Commission has remarked as there is no anomaly in LSG without verifying the horizontal & vertical relativities as disturbed with ASPos/IPOs and also the Pay scale prevailing now for TBOP in Department of Telecom prior to Fifth Pay Commission.
In Postal, the scales of pay for TBOP promotion which is being accorded on completion of 16 years is now termed as Financial upgradation as if ACP, and also to the regular LSG promotion are one and the same (i.e) 4500-7000. Thus, the regular promotion has lost its relevance and the officials already promoted in the pay scale of Rs. 5000-8000 on acquiring BCR are being granted regular promotions in the pay scale of Rs. 4500-7500 with out any consequential pay fixation benefits. Now the officials drawing pay in pay Band 2 for BCR have to be promoted to the Pay of Pay Band I. A serious anomaly has arisen now.
Thus, as the TBOP promotion & LSG is unique only to the Department of Posts & Telecom and the anomaly is prevailing over a decade, the officials in TBOP/LSG should atleast be granted with the prerevised pay scales of Rs. 5000-8000 at par with their counterparts in Telecom. The large section of Postal employees are deprived and denied their dues due to bringing them under pay Band I.
Unless, they are equated with Telecom and placed in the pre revised pay scale of Rs. 5000-6000 and brought them under Pay Band 2, a grave injustice caused after the Fifth CPC will be continued further to this cadre.
2. Grant of Supervisory Allowance to LSG/HSG II/ HSG I Supervisors
The Sixth Pay Commission did not make any distinction between the Supervisors and the Supervised. The TBOP & LSG have been granted in the same grade pay and similar is the case of BCR/HSG II. Therefore the reintroduction of graded supervisory allowance for LSG, HSG II & HSG I to match the supervisory responsibilities become warranted.
The Sixth CPC has recommended 10% Pay Plus Grade pay to the Caretakers vide Para 03.08.08 of its report. Similar Quantum of Supervisory Allowance be introduced to all the LSG/HSG II/HSGI supervisors & PRI (P)s duly realising their responsibilities and most arduous nature of duties.
3. Injustice caused to PO & RMS Accountants & Request justice
The Sixth Pay Commission has rejected higher pay scale to PO & RMS Accountants as if there is no functional justification exists for the same and recommended to revise the spl allowance of Rs.180/- in double the rates. The description of the Sixth CPC that they are not belonging to the organised accounts cadre without looking the merits through their nature of duties and responsibilities is nothing but a farce. This cadre has met a raw deal over the last three decades.
The comparative pay structure of Accountant post in different Department / Ministry / organized Sector are detailed below for kind perusal.
Name of the Department Designation / Existing pay scale after 5th CPC/ Revised pay scale
Indian Audit & Accounts (a)Auditor/Accountant 4500-125-7000
Department/ subsequently revised to 5000-150-8000
(b) Sr Auditor/ Accountant 5500-175-900
(Para 7.56.4 6th CPC) (c) Section Officer 6500-200-10500
Railway Department (a) Accountants Assistants 5000-150-8000
(Para 7.56.6 6th CPC) (b) Divisional Accountant 5500-175-9000
Ministry of Consumer Affairs (a) Accountant cum cashier 5000-150-8000
Food & Public Dn (b) on promotion 5500-175-9000
(Para 7.1.14 6th CPC) (c) -DO- 6500-200-10500
The Survey of India Land & (a) Accountant 5000-150-8000
Development Office (b) On Promotion 5500-175-9000
(Para 7.46.41 6th CPC) (c) -DO- 6500-200-10500
Indian Tourism Office (a) Accountant 4500-125-7000
(Para 7.44.7 6th CPC)
Postal A/Cs & Finance (a) Auditor / Accountant 5000-150-8000
(Para 7.56 6th CPC) (b) Sr. Auditor/Accountant 5500-175-9000
(c) Section Officer 6500-200-10500
This will be the testimony that this cadre of PO & RMS Accountant alone is deprived and denied the dues. The exploitation of this cadre is continuing over 20 years. This may please be pursued with the Government and see that the PO & RMS Accountants are placed atleast with the Accountants working in Postal Accounts office of our department.
The PO & RMS Accountants were entitled to special pay of Rs. 180/- P.M. in lieu of higher Pay scales and in accordance with Rule 15 of Appendix - 8 of FR & SR, this special pay was being taken into account for fixation on promotion to the higher post. However after the implementation of Fifth Pay Commission's recommendations w.e.f 1.8.1997, the Special Pay has been termed as Special Allowance, Resultantly, it is not being taken into account for pay fixation on promotion.
The special allowance granted to JAO qualified officials for fixation benefits on ACP promotion was granted by the Department vide its letter no. 8 (i) 2004/PA - Admn/501 to 544 dt 29.10.2006, after the clearance from Department of personnel & MOF. Whereas, treating the special allwance granted to the PO & RMS Accountants as special Pay for similar pay fixation benefits has not been solved despite it was recommended by the Postal department to Sixth Pay Commission vide its letter no. D.O. No. 4-3/2006-PCC dt. 27.04.07. Atleast if this is settled, it will be a solace to some extent to these well qualified Accounts line officials.
4. Restoration of Incharge allowance to SPMs/Postmasters
The Charge allowance granted to the Sub Postmasters was taken back as matching savings for TBOP promotion from 30.11.83 apart from the staff cut.
There is a vast change in TBOP/BCR and now the TBOP has been termed as financial upgradation just as ACP extended to other CG employees. Since the traditional concept of charge allowance has undergone a sea change and withdrawal of such charge allowance under TBOP scheme has no direct nexus with the present day increase of additional workload and financial accountability, this should be reintroduced.
It is requested to reintroduce the charge allowance to all the SPMs/Postmasters other than the LSG/HSG II/HSGI supervisors for whom we demand supervisory Allowance to the extent of 10% pay plus Grade Pay recognising their arduous nature of job and responsibilities. This allowance for others may be equivalent to the quantum of two increments as special pay.
5. System Administrators
Eventhough, the Computerisation has been made in most of the Post offices, the required number of personnel for handling the software and hardware problems have not been created so far.
The existing Postal Assistants who know very well about the Systems operations were designated as Systems Administrators and are being entrusted with lot of responsibilities and duties for which no extra remuneration is paid so far.
The total Computerisation of Postal Department could be achieved only with these Systems Administrators without engaging any outside agencies. They are having the job profiles of Hardware Engineer, Systems Administrators, Database Administrator, Network Administrator, Installation Engineer and Programmers to small extent etc.
The Sixth CPC has rejected the plea for separate establishment for Systems Administrators & Marketing Executives. It is pertinent to mention that it is only in the Postal department, the massive computerisation had taken place with the fullest assistance and cooperation of the present System Administrators, but without any remuneration or recognition of their service. They are working beyond the office hours to take back ups and maintaining both the hardwares & softwares. The rejection of their plight by the Sixth CPC is nothing but unfortunate with due concern.
After the vest expansion of Computerized infrastructure in Postal Department and to organise the same, different levels of Technocrats are required to comprise. It will justify a separate technology wing like Electrical wing, Civil wing etc so that it will monetar the entire IT related works in the department. This is also absolute necessary to identify these areas to arrest the misuse and avert wrong decisions in policy making.
It is requested that the department should form a separate technology wing like civil wing and bring this cadre as a separate establishment with higher pay.
It is further requested that these category of staff may be granted special pay to the extent of 10% Pay Plus Grade pay as if recommended by the Sixth CPC to the care takers vide para 03.08.08 of its report.
6. Marketing Executive
The Postal Department has ventured various business activities and given a new face lift for the service. For developing business activities, a Business Directorate has been formed and several JTS/STS level officers posts have been created. More number of Group B Posts were deployed for the business activities. Whereas not even a single post has so far been created for the business activities at grass root levels. Some of the Postal Assistants were termed as Marketing Executives and because of their skill, ability and untired work, the marketing activities have developed a lot resulting to earn a good revenue and traffic to the Department.
However , the Sixth Pay Commission did not recognise their service as if in the case of Systems Administrators. They should also be made as a promotional cadre to postal Assistants.
It is therefore requested that Marketing Executives may also be granted with special pay to the extent of 10% Pay Plus Grade Pay in token of recognition of their service. A separate establishment may also please created for this category also.
7. Cash Handling Allowance to PO Treasurers
As per the Directions of MOF, the Postal Department vide its letter No. 4-3/2006-PCC dt. 27.04.07 has requested the Sixth Pay Commission for favourable consideration of the proposal. The Department has advocated in the proposal that the Treasurers in Post offices are handling heavy cash and they require to be paid at the same rate at which cashiers in administrative offices are paid. However there is no mention on this in its report by the Sixth CPC.
The anomaly existing in the grant of Cash Handling allowance between the Post office Treasurer & RMS cashier shall be removed and the PO Treasurer may also be called as cashier for this purpose. The cash handling allowance may be common for PO Treasurer & RMS cashiers and the age old disparity may be set aside.
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
1 comment:
SDA for NER employees : Clear order should be issued on SDA so that all CG employees posted in NER will get the benifit.
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