Welcome to the official website of All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C'- अखिल भारतीय डाक कर्मचारी संघ वर्ग 'सी' की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट में आपका स्वागत है

Friday, May 9, 2008




The Central Working Committee of this Union was held at Agarwal Dharmshla Model Town,  Delhi - 110009 from 30.04.08 to 01.05.08 under the presidentship of our CHQ president Com. M. Krishnan. All the Fourteen office bearers and all the Circle Secretaries other than Tamilnadu (where there is election dispute) attended the CWC. This is the first time that all CWC members participated and took part in discussions on all issues.


The CWC was inaugurated by Com. K. Ragavendran, Secretary General, NFPE & also Working President CHQ, who orated elaborately on the issues of Sixth Pay Commission. As no time was allotted for open session, all the special invitees and guests  addressed in the sessions itself. Com. C.C. Pillai, Ex Secretary General, Com. B.G. Tamhankar Ex President NFPE, Com. Desraj Sharma, Ex-General Secretary, P4, Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary R3, com. S.P. Mukherjee, General Secretary Admn, Com. P. Suresh, General Secretary R4, Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary GDS, Com. Asis Dass, General Secretary SBCO Association, and Com. C. Chandrasekar, Secretary NFPE, were the prominent speakers in the CWC.


The Subjects Committee of the CWC was having a heavy agenda on important issues like Sixth Pay Commission report, Sectional Problems and organisational matters etc. The General Secretary submitted a work report covering various activities of the CHQ since last CWC meeting held at Allahabad and sought various suggestions. The work report indeed formed the basis of the whole discussions in the two-day session in which all the Circle Secretaries and office bearers of the CHQ participated.


The following are the highlights and the unanimous decisions of the CWC: -


1.          The CWC endorsed the modifications in the Sixth Pay Commission report sought by the CHQ and NFPE on 17.04.08 to the Secretary (P), Department of Posts.


2.          It records its concerns about the raw deal meted out to the TBOP/LSG officials, PO&RMS Accountants, Systems Administrators, Marketing Executives etc. It was resolved to evolve struggle programmes with the consultations of NFPE and other unions to mitigate these items very effectively. The TBOP/LSG should be placed in pay band 2 by resolving the existing disparity and discrimination between the TBOP/LSG in Post & Telecom.


3.          Decided to study the entire ACP Scheme in the background of Pay Commission recommendations.


4.          The CWC decided to demand the Government and Department of Post to implement the Sixth CPC recommendations on ADR plan & Fresh recruitments vide Para 6.3.10 and remove the ban on creation and scrap the screening committee in order to induct fresh man power in take based on the staff requirements which should be empowered to the respective Ministries or department. It is resolved to demand to remove the ban on creation and augment required number of posts immediately.


5.         The CWC resolved to demand restoration of charge allowance to all the Sub Postmasters to the extent of 5% of pay plus Grade pay. In respect of LSG, HSG II & HSG I supervisors, the quantum should be 10% of pay plus Grade pay as if recommended to the caretakers by the Sixth CPC vide Para 3.8.8 of its report.


6.          The CWC decides to demand higher pay as well as the fixation benefits of the special allowance to the PO & RMS Accountants on promotion as if granted to JAO Qualified officials working in Postal Accounts on acquiring ACP Promotion.


7.          In respect of the demands of Systems Administrators, it was resolved to demand a separate technology wing like civil wing and bring this cadre as separate establishment with higher pay. As interim measure they should be granted with special pay to the extend of 10% pay plus grade pay as if we demanded to the categories of LSG, HSG supervisors.


8.          It resolves that the existing discrimination prevailing between the PO Treasurer & RMS Cashier should be removed and the cash handling allowance should be common for both the categories.


9.          There were elaborated discussions on the 22 Point charter of demands and the demands were corrected suitably according to the present requirements. The demand of granting BCR on the date of completion of 26 years has been proposed and included in the charter of demands.


10.      It resolves to add one more demand that considering the role and responsibilities, the PRI (P)s should also be granted 10% pay plus Grade Pay besides granting Road mileage Allowance instead of present fixed conveyance Allowance.


Cadre Review


The CWC decided to demand cadre review for the PA cadre since the earlier reviews made under TBOP & BCR lost its sanctity and importance and in respect of other cadres, there were many cadre reviews made so far. The CWC demands: -


(i)                  Considering the responsibilities and multifarious functions of SPMs/PMs, the Posts of single handed/Double handed SPMs may be upgraded to the present status of LSG called as 'Supervisors'.

(ii)                The SPMs in Triple handed/LSG offices may be equated with the present HSG II and called as 'Senior Supervisor's.

(iii)               The present HSG II & HSG I may be amalgamated into HSG and the incumbents be called as 'Chief Supervisor's.

(iv)              The Postal Assistant be designated as Executive Postal Assistant with the Minimum educational qualification of Graduate with requisite knowledge of computer application. They may be placed in the pre revised pay scale of Rs. 6500-9000 as if recommended by the Sixth CPC in the case of Stenographers, vide Para 3.1.10 and 3.1.12. The Postal Assistant cadre is Unique and having more responsibilities and multifarious functions.

(v)                Separate establishment of Systems Administrators be created and make it as a promotional cadre to postal Assistant who possess all required skills and Qualification.

(vi)              The pay scale for Supervisor, Senior Supervisor & Chief Supervisor may be fixed as per the hierarchical line pay scales.

Other Decisions


(i)          The CWC has not accepted the proposal of 'Divisionalisation of LSG' once again and decided to continue the present circle level postings and decided to discuss this issue deeply.

(ii)        All Circle Secretaries should send details to CHQ within a fortnight about the positions of notional LSG Promotions, HSG II & HSG I postings, residual vacancies, pending bills etc.

(iii)       The proposal of the CHQ to demand to regularise the present HSG I officials working on Adhoc basis over one year and fill up HSG II posts on regular measure was well received.

(iv)      The General Secretary has been directed to implead in the court case filed by the supervisor Association to arrest the unintended benefits being availed.

(v)        It was also resolved to extend full co-operations to the SBCO Association under NFPE and its formation in all the circles.

(vi)      The Social Security Scheme introduced to the staff of the CHQ in anticipation of CWC's approval has been approved and well appreciated.

(vii)     Decided to purchase a laptop for the CHQ.


Tamilnadu Circle Union Dispute


After having a detailed discussions, the CWC Unanimously resolved to form Adhoc committee to Tamilnadu Circle Union as the dispute existed in Tamilnadu Circle Union which had retarded the efficient functioning of the Circle Union and the Tamilnadu Circle Union had failed to adhere to the constitution and defy the directions, decisions and instruction of the All India Union. The Adhoc Committee is consisting with the following members.


1.      Com. S. Raghupathy, PA (TBOP) Fort St. George, Chennai - 600009 - convenor.

2.      Com. G. Manoharan, APM Accounts, Anna Road, Chennai - 600002 - Member.

3.      Com. N. Subramanian, SPM, Avinashi - Member.

4.      Com. R. Perumal O.A (TBOP) Kumbakonam - Member.


The CWC has further resolved unanimously to condemn the action of out going leadership of P3 Union, Tamilnadu Circle and the reception committee of the Circle conference, Tirunelveli for misbehaving with the General Secretary during the open session of the Circle conference and even attempted to manhandle him. This is an act of serious offence by law and gross indiscipline by any standard. The resolution was proposed by Com. Somnath Mukherjee Deputy General Secretary and seconded by Com. U.K. Tiwari Circle Secretary Bihar, and adopted unanimously.


All India Conference


The Circle Secretary, A. P. Circle, Com. DASV Prasad has offered his invitation to hold the next All India Conference in his Circle at Guntur in the month of Nov/Dec 08. The CWC accepted the invitation and the next AIC will be held in A P Circle. The CHQ records its thanks to the A P Circle and to Com. DASV Prasad for the offer.


The CWC ended with the formal vote of thanks by Com. Subhash Chander Sharma, Treasurer, CHQ.


Meeting Member (P) On 08.05.2007


We met Member (P) on 08.05.07 and discussed about the proposed indefinite strike notified by A.P. Circle Unions and sought her immediate intervention in resolving the issues. The Chief PMG has been instructed to hold talks with the Circle Unions and resolve the issues at once. We discussed other issues like filling up of residual vacancies, Notional LSG Promotions and particularly the problems of Orissa Circle, our demand on cadre review in Group 'C' etc.


Staff Side Standing Council Meeting On 07.05.2007


The staff side Standing Council met on 07.05.07. The fourteen modifications sought by the staff side on 6th CPC recommendations have been discussed at length. The issues like minimum wage. Fitment formula, promotion benefits, etc have been discussed threadbare. The Secretary DOP & T chaired the meeting. Details will be published in the website soon.


NFPE Publishing Special Issue of Postal Crusader


NFPE Federal Secretariat has decided to bring out the June issue of Postal Crusader as a special issue in commemoration of our great leader Comrade Adi and requested all Circle and Divisional Secretaries to help in obtaining advertisements "One Division One Ad". Comrades are requested to procure at least one advertisement for one divisional / branch union.


Programme of Action by Confederation And NFPE


The combined National Executives of all affiliates of the Confederation including NFPE has given a call for nationwide demonstrations from 13th to 15th May and a massive Dharna on 16th May 2008 demanding modification of 6th CPC Recommendations. The Federal Executive of NFPE has decided to organise a nationwide Programme highlighting the modifications required with regard to Postal Employees as well as the GDS demands. The Circular of NFPE containing the above details are enclosed herewith and all our Circle and Divisional / Branch Secretaries are requested to energetically organise these Programmes in a befitting manner.


With Regards


Comradely Yours



General Secretary


Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,
This is Senthil, Chennai city North division. I do not know why our leaders are not looking at the para 3.8.11 of Pay Commission report where the fixation of Electronic Data Processing Assistant is given. As said by the Kerala Comrades we are doing a job which much advanced than a job done by an Electronic Data Processing Assistant. Please do justice to the System Managers.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...
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Harikumar said...

Dear Sir,

What Sri Senthil told is 100% right.

Why our leaders are equating the System Administrators with Care Takers etc. Surely, we respect the works of Care Takers. But, our nature of duties should be compared with equivalent cadre. System Administrators all over the country are performing a superior job than that of a Data Processing Assistant. Why the leaders fail to study this aspect.

Now, an important issue is that 2/3 rd computerisation is remaining. If the System people all over the country are demoralised, I am sure that this will be great set back to the future computerisation of the Dept. This computerisation should not be treated as a mere transformation. This is a massive exercise which has to be carried out through dedicated and sincere work of each one of us.

It is learnt that the High power commitee is going to regect our demands by merely saying "This happens in every department during transformation, So Dept. of Posts should not ask for Separate Cadre but only demand 10% additinal allowance, other wise every Department will start to claim the same".

Dear leaders, we are not begging !
We are demanding our legitimate rights.

If the present major Unions are unable satisfy us, we will be forced to form a separate Association/Union to fight for our legitimate rights.

N Harikumar