Dear Comrades - The 6 Point Charter of Demands finalised by the National Convention of all Trade Unions has been added with four more demands by the National Convention of Confederation of CG Employees, All India State Government Employees Federation and Teachers Organisations. The CWC Meeting of GDS Union has added one more demand of GDS. NFPE has included two more demands to the Charter Viz., the compassionate appointments / absorption of RRR Candidates and Exemption of Postal from the purview of Screening Committee. Thus the Strike Charter for 20th August One-Day Strike is now a 13 POINT CHARTER OF DEMANDS as under:
- Take urgent steps to contain price rise through (a) universalizing the public distribution system throughout the country to cater all essential commodities at controlled price through PDS; (b) ban on futures and forward trading in all essential commodities; (c) reduction of tax in petrol and diesel; (d) stringent action against hoarding and black marketing;
- Lift ban on recruitment in Government Services; Remove the negative and discriminatory features in the recommendations of 6th Pay Commission and finalise the same for implementation in consultation with the employees organisations; Expedite regularisation and grant of pension to Gramin Dak Sewaks;
- Strict implementation of all labour laws particularly in respect of minimum wages, working hours, social security and safety and stringent action against all cases of violations; stop contractorisation and outsourcing;
- Scope of the unorganised sector workers social security bill pending in Parliament should be expanded to cover all unorganised sector workers irrespective of BPL or APL category to ensure a national minimum social security benefit for them as per unanimous recommendation of the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (NCEUS) and Parliamentary Committee on Labour with Central Government funding;
- Farmers Loan waiver scheme to be extended to loans from private money lenders; nationalized banks to extend easy credit to peasants at lower interest rates;
- Expedite wage negotiation for the employees of Central PSUs including contract workers without any conditionalities.
- Accept the modifications suggested by the Staff Side JCM in the Standing Committee meeting held on 7th May, 2008 and implement the 6th CPC recommendations accordingly.
- Afford right to strike to Government employees
- Withdraw the new contributory Pension scheme and extend the existing defined benefit pension scheme to all Govt. employees including those recruited after 1.1.2004.
- Stop privatization, corporatisation and downsizing of Government department and abandon the neo-liberal economic policies.
- Regularization and grant of pension, Gratuity, T.U. Facilities and all other facilities to Gramin Dak Sewaks in the Department of Posts.
- Grant compassionate appointment to all eligible candidates and absorb all the waitlisted RRR Candidates in the Postal Department by withdrawing the SLP from the Supreme Court.
- Exempt Postal from Screening Committee's purview of abolition of posts.
we will succeed under the present leadership of our union.All the demands are justified and our participation will be cent percentage.--------
we will succeed under the present leadership of our union.All the demands are justified and our participation will be cent percentage.--------
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