The Staff Side Demanded application of 2.625 Multiplication Factor for Fitment of Wages to all Group C and D employees to ensure uniform 41% wage rise. The Government has agreed only 1.86 Multiplication Factor and rejected our demand. The calculations showing the revised basic pay after the Government's announcement and what would have been the basic pay had the demand of the Staff Side been accepted are shown below. It can be seen that staff side proposal would have brought considerable wage rise for all except at the present Rs.5000/- basic pay employees. This shows that the Government has discriminated the Group C & D employees from that of the Group A officers by permitting 41.13% rise at the beginning of officers pay scales and 180% fitment benefit at the top level of officers. The Strike on 20th August 2008 is to protest against this discrimination also.
Revised pay structure on the basis of the GOI decision of 14th August
No. Basic Pay 1.86 times Grade.Pay Total MF %increase mf. 2.625 % diff S-1 2550 4743 1300 6043 2.37 27.41 6694 41.13 651 3200 5952 1300 7252 2.27 21.84 8400 41.13 1148 S-2 2610 4855 1400 6255 2.40 28.84 6851 41.13 597 3540 6584 1400 7984 2.26 21.26 9293 41.13 1308 S-2A 2610 4855 1600 6455 2.47 32.96 6851 41.13 397 4000 7440 1600 9040 2.26 21.51 10500 41.13 1460 S-3 2650 4929 1650 6579 2.48 33.48 6956 41.13 377 4000 7440 1650 9090 2.27 22.18 10500 41.13 1410 S-4 2750 5115 1800 6915 2.51 35.19 7219 41.13 304 4400 8184 1800 9984 2.27 21.99 11550 41.13 1566 S-5 3050 5673 1900 7573 2.48 33.49 8006 41.13 433 4590 8537 1900 10437 2.27 22.26 12049 41.13 1611 S-6 3200 5952 2000 7952 2.49 33.60 8400 41.13 448 4900 9114 2000 11114 2.27 21.94 12863 41.13 1749 S-7 4000 7440 2400 9840 2.46 32.26 10500 41.13 660 6000 11160 2400 13560 2.26 21.51 15750 41.13 2190 S-8 4500 8370 2800 11170 2.48 33.45 11813 41.13 643 7000 13020 2800 15820 2.26 21.51 18375 41.13 2555 S-9 5000 9300 4200 13500 2.70 45.16 13125 41.13 -375 8000 14880 4200 19080 2.39 28.23 21000 41.13 1920 S-10 5500 10230 4200 14430 2.62 41.06 14438 41.13 8 9000 16740 4200 20940 2.33 25.09 23625 41.13 2685 S-11&12 6500 12090 4200 16290 2.51 34.74 17063 41.13 773 10500 19530 4200 23730 2.26 21.51 27563 41.13 3833 S-13 7450 13857 4600 18457 2.48 33.20 19556 41.13 1099 11500 21390 4600 25990 2.26 21.51 30188 41.13 4198 S-14 7500 13950 4800 18750 2.50 34.41 19688 41.13 938 12000 22320 4800 27120 2.26 21.51 31500 41.13 4380 S-15 8000 15600 5400 21000 2.63 34.62 21000 34.62 0 13500 23490 5400 28890 2.14 22.99 35438 50.86 6548
1 comment:
Respected Comrade,
Red salute. Barring 3 SOs with FNPO members,70 SOs including almost all the 144 BOs of Bhubaneswar Division were totally closed.Bhubaneswar GPO was paralysed. Members of NFPE of the Circle Office took active paricipation this time adding to the glory of Bhubaneswar. I am sending an e-mail separately with details.
With revolutionary greetings.
Comradely yours
Bruhaspati Samal
D/S, Bhubaneswar
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