Today the Postal Employees of Delhi Circle conducted a lunch hour demonstration in front of Dak Bhawan and thereafter the Strike Notice was served on the Secretary Department of Posts by the NFPE and all its Affiliated Unions and Associations as well as by the GDS Union for launching the one-day all India Strike on 20.08.2008. All other all India Organisations under the Confederation as well as all other organisations launching the strike have conducted similar demonstrations and served strike notices. Since the UPA Government is contemplating fast tracking the neo-liberal reforms including the privatisation of pension within the next eight months, the Strike on 20th August attains extra significance for all of us. Now it is a matter of guarding against the extreme dangers including against the most retrograde recommendations of the 6th Pay Commission for outsourcing the functions of Group D and abolition of Group D and corporatization / privatisation of various services. The protective umbrella provided by the left parties inside the Parliament so far stands removed. There is no other alternative but to organise the entirety of the postal employees along with the rest of the working people to seriously and consistently oppose these policies. Let us close our ranks and stand like solid steel to protect our existence and survival.
NFPE Calls upon the Circle / Regional / Divisional / Branch Unions of NFPE Unions to organise vibrant demonstrations in front of all Circle Offices / Regional Offices / Postal Accounts / Divisional Offices / HPOs / HROs / MMS and all major Postal and RMS offices to observe "Highlight Strike Charter of Demands Day" on 14.08.2008. During these Demonstrations efforts may be made to invite CHQ Office Bearers / Circle / Regional Secretaries / Circle Office Bearers of all the NFPE Unions as well as the leaders of other CG Organisations / State Government Employees Leaders for addressing the postal workers. Our rank and file leaders shall raise the strike tempo amongst the postal employees.
As already intimated by the NFPE in the web site, the meeting of the Empowered Secretaries Committee has to meet to finalise the decisions based on the briefing the Cabinet Secretary got from the PMO. It has been ascertained that the date of the above meeting of Secretaries will be decided shortly by the Cabinet Secretary. The stand of the Government on the demand for modifications submitted by the National Council JCM Staff Side will be known only after such a meeting of Secretaries. All our comrades are forewarned that the Government may time the announcement of the implementation of pay commission's recommendations just before the 20th August Strike to cause confusion for weakening the resolve of the CG Employees to go on strike on that day. We shall not be diverted by such machinations. We shall understand that the 20th Strike is not for pay commission only but against the neo-liberal policies of the Government including against the dismantling of services, outsourcing, corporatization, p rivatisation, pension reforms, removing the negative recommendations of pay commission, GDS Demands, Removal of ban on recruitment etc. Therefore whatever be the announcement on the pay commission by the Government, comrades are requested to effectively organise the strike on 20th August which shall never be called off under any such circumstances. Guard ourselves against confusion and propaganda by vested interests, which may try to resort to weaken the strike.
A Delegation of NFPE including the Secretary General and General Secretaries of P3, P4, R3 and the Deputy General Secretary P3 met Ms.Madhu Narayanan the new Member [P] and greeted her on her assumption of the charge as a Member of the PSB. We requested for early convening of the formal meeting by the Department for discussing all the issues raised by the Federation in its 17th April Note seeking modifications of pay commission's report with regard to postal employees. A copy of the NFPE Note dated 17.04.2008 was emailed on the same day as desired by the Member [P]. We have informed the Member [P] that immediately on completing our agenda on modifications on common issues like minimum wages, fitment formula etc at the level of Government, we would be shifting our concentration towards postal employees pay commission related sectional issues. Therefore we urged to expedite the formal meeting by the Postal Board with the Staff Side.
The results of PSS Group B examination held in the month of February 2008 have been released by the Directorate. Out of 29 vacancies for General Line only two candidates have been declared successful. 67 out of 70 vacancies have been declared successful against IPO Line. Comrades Girish Chandra Pant from Uttarakhand and A. Sesha Giri Rao from Andhra are the two candidates declared successful. The entire results have been declared subject to the outcome of the pending cases in various courts. NFPE congratulates all the successful candidates.
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