The Govt. has not done anything to correct the wide disparity in wages amongst the employees and officers accentuated by the recommendation of the 6th CPC, which was the root cause for discontent amongst the employees. The declaration made by the Govt. that the minimum wage would be raised to Rs. 7000/- is in fact a misnomer The Wage of a group D employees is considered to be the minimum wage. It is decided to be at Rs. 6046 even after the Cabinet decision. It is only in the case of the lowest grade of Gr.C. cadres, the minimum wage is at Rs. 7000. This is far below even if the computation of minimum wage is made on the 5th CPC recommendation, which would be Rs. 7400. The employees are to suffer in their wages in the long run as the pay bands have been created on this premise.
The Commission has recommended for the abolition about 9 lakhs Group D posts. The Group D functions would be contractorised. No decision seems to have been taken by the Govt. to reverse this recommendation. It is being reported that the Cabinet has accepted the recommendation to reduce the number of holidays to be replaced by a lesser number of restricted holidays. This would bring about a difficult situation in as much as on certain religious holidays like holi etc. it would be impossible to keep open an office.
In short the present decision of the Government is disappointing in so far as employees are concerned as none of their major suggestions has been accepted by the Govt. The National Executive of the Confederation will meet soon to decide upon the future course of action. It appeals all Central Government employees to demonstrate their discontent and disappointment by fully participating in the nation wide strike slated for 20th August, 2008 along with other sections of the working class.
1 comment:
Respected Comrade,
Certainly I do agree with your analysis regarding the grave injustice done to the CG employees, particularly to the Gr-D and Gr-C cadres. But while linking this with 20th August strike, I couldn't understand as to why members are posting their comments through this column if the General Secretary and Secretary General are participating in the above stike or not. Is there any reason for such apprehension? If so, it should be clarified. Secondly, now, just after the cabinet approval of the 6th CPC recommendations, ground reality has been drastically changed. As a Divisional Secy. and being stationed in a state capital, I am telling you that the position of Orissa Circle is not so good at present.My counterparts who are in contact with me are expressing their unwillingness since maximum number of members have already been de-motivated for the reasons best known.Thirdly, non-participation of FNPO and others is also a cause.However, Bhubaneswar Division doesnot bother for this aspect. It is not a matter what Bhubaneswar Division will do. The response should be uniform. I do request you to ascertain the correct position of Orissa Circle in particular from the Circle Secretary of Orissa and from others in general and inform us next post to take a right decision for making the strike a grand success. "Instruction has been received from the NFPE / CHQ which has been communicated to you. Now it is up to you either to participate or not" is certainly a disappointing statement, particularly at this point of time.
Hope, my comments will be weighed properly without any misunderstanding since I have disclosed the ground reality only at this particular moment.This should be given top priority. A copy of this comment is being sent to you separately through e-mail to draw your immediate attention.
A lot of good wishes on the ocassion of Happy Rakshya Bandhan.
With revolutionary greeting.
Comradely yours,
Bruhaspati Samal
D/S, Bhubaneswar Divn. ( Orissa )
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